Five paragraph essay
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Jfk Assassination Witnesses In The Motorcade Essays - Bouvier Family
Jfk Assassination Witnesses In The Motorcade Motorcade Witnesses On November 22, 1963 John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, was killed in Dallas, Texas. President Kennedy rode in the rear of an open top limousine through the midtown region of Dallas. A large number of individuals lined the assigned course of the arranged motorcade, planning to get a brief look at their President. As the motorcade eased back to its end, going through Dealy Plaza, shots resounded through the city, and through the hearts of the American open, eventually murdering the dearest JFK. Promptly, mystery administration men hurried the President to Parkland Hospital, frantically planning to spare his life. The specialists' endeavors were worthless; inside 60 minutes, the President was declared dead. A lot of discussion encompasses the case. An administration named examination group, the Warren Commission, distributed their determinations in a book called The Warren Report. Their decisions remain the American Government's legitimate position looking into the issue. Today, there are the same number of pundits of The Warren Report as there are devotees. The observers and their declarations who took part in the motorcade give convincing proof towards speculations that don't all help the Warren Report's decisions. The writer Gerald Posner who composed Case Closed, a book that bolsters the Warren Report's speculations, prints ends that are additionally seen as faulty after carefully checking on the declarations of the included gatherings from the motorcade. At 11:40am C.S.T., Air Force One arrived at Dallas Love Field Airport. The VP's plane, Air Force Two, showed up around five minutes sooner. A sizable, yet controllable group assembled to invite the President and wave him off as the motorcade started its excursion through Dallas. The motorcade went at around 25-30 mph as it continued to the pre-organized course. As the motorcade entered the midtown region of Dallas, the groups started to thicken and the motorcade eased back down. There were no revealed anomalies as the motorcade cleared its path through the jam-packed midtown lanes, with the exception of two short stops wherein the President mentioned. One, to shake a young lady's hand, and the other to quickly welcome a religious woman, driving a gathering of kids. Everything was going as needs be as they traveled west on Main towards Dealy Plaza. At Houston, the motorcade turned right and traveled north towards Elm St. A few vehicles, starting with an enormous gathering of Dallas Police Department bikes went before the President's vehicle. They voyaged a few minutes in front of him. Behind the cruisers came a pilot vehicle. A few individuals from the Dallas Police Department kept an eye on it. Their activity was to check for indications of unordinary movement, or anything that could be viewed as threatening to the President. Following the pilot vehicle was another little gathering of six cruisers. They served to control the group back and away from the presidential limousine. Next came the lead vehicle, which was intended to deliberately filter the regions of conceivable difficulty close to and around the motorcade course. It was a plain DPD squad car, driven by the Dallas Chief of police, Jesse Curry (Crossfire 9). Mystery Service specialists Forest Sorrels and Winston Lawson just as Dallas County Sheriff J.E. ?Bill? Decker rode a similar vehicle, which drove roughly four or five vehicle lengths in front of the President's limousine, a 1961 specially designed, Lincoln convertible (Crossfire 9). Specialist William Greer drove, and to his correct sat Special Agent Roy Kellerman (Crossfire 9). There were two collapsible seats simply behind the driver and traveler where Texas Governor John Connally and his significant other sat. Representative Connally sat on the traveler side with Mrs. Connally sitting close to him on the driver side of the vehicle. Behind them sat President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. President Kennedy sat on the traveler side of the vehicle behind Governor Connally while his significant other sat on the driver side of the vehicle behind Mrs. Connally. Behind the Presidential Limousine drove the subsequent vehicle. It held ten individuals. That day, everything except one was a mystery administration specialist. The Vice Presidential vehicle followed straightaway, conveying Lyndon Johnson, his better half, and Senator Ralph Yarborough (Crossfire 10). Eleven vehicles conveying nearby dignitaries, press, picture takers, and White House staff trailed behind them (Crossfire 9-10). As the Presidential limousine made the hard left turn onto Elm, the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
John Keats Essay
In John Keats â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale,†answer the accompanying: Identify some Romantic quality about this sonnet. Explain. This may necessitate that you give a model from the work. I feel that there is a â€Å"romantic quality†to Stanza 2. This verse goes: 2. O, for a draft of vintage! that hath been Cool’d a long age in the profound dug earth, Tasting of Flora and the nation green Dance, and Provencal melody, and burned from the sun Mirth! O for a measuring glass brimming with the warm South, Full of the valid, the blushful Hyppocrene, With beaded air pockets winking at the edge, And purple-recolored mouth; That I may drink; and leave the world inconspicuous. What's more, with thee blur away into the timberland diminish: (Poetical, 2005) To me, it appears that the artist is currently moving into a universe of imagination, an express the vintage can help bring him into, a pleasurable province of Mirth. He needs to join the songbird and he utilizes vintage to take him there. In refrain 2, the peruser starts to see and feel the pictures of â€Å"the nation green, Dance, and Provencal song†¦Ã¢â‚¬ everything can have a sentimental, dream quality to it. The entirety of the visual pictures alongside burned from the sun Mirth joins to bring the writer and the peruser into what could be thought of as a sentimental condition of inebriation. In John Keats â€Å"Eve of St. Agnes,†answer the accompanying: 1. Who is the Beadsman, and what part does he play in the story? It is the Beadsman’s compensation to disclose to Madeline the notion of St. Agnes Eve. The Beadsman is separated from everyone else and cold in the house of prayer appealing to God for the Baron and his companions who are celebrating. In nowadays Beadsman were paid to petition God for their boss. This acquires incongruity to the sonnet that one may think The Beadsman needs the petitions or ought to appeal to God for himself. The Beadsman rejects life’s delights. The Beadsman bites the dust this very night as handed-off in the last two lines of the sonnet (Stanza 42). It could likewise be noticed the Beadsman brings the strict symbolism into the sonnet when he enters and parts of the bargains when his part is finished. Toward the start of the sonnet the Beadsman knows his deathbell has rung and to be sure it is affirmed before the finish of the sonnet. 2. For what reason does Angela bite the dust? Both Angela and the Beadsman kicked the bucket discreetly of mature age in the wake of seeing the sweethearts escaping into the tempest. They had their impact and â€Å"exited†the sonnet. 3. Study the last refrain: do the darlings live cheerfully ever after? What is Keats' point? We don’t truly knowâ€it is uncertain. It states, â€Å"These darlings fled away into the storm†(Stanza 42). I feel that since Keats trusted in adverse capacity or that individuals can acknowledge that not all things have to be settled, he was simply permitting the peruser to choose as opposed to composing a trite, evident completion. It could have additionally been that Keats didn’t need to end the fantasy or it to be unmistakably discernable the possibility of this being a fantasy or reality. 4. Do the characters prevail with regards to rehearsing negative ability? Truly, I feel the characters succeeded in rehearsing negative capacity in that not everything in the sonnet was settled for the characters or for the perusers. A portion of those inquiries there were no normal clarifications for included: was Madeline assaulted? Why doesn’t Angela disclose to Madeline that Porphyro was stowing away in her wardrobe? Did Madeline and Porphyro bite the dust in the tempest or live cheerfully ever after? What some portion of this sonnet was a fantasy and what some portion of it was reality? Reference (2005). The poetical works of John Keats. Recovered May 17, 2007, from Great Books Online Web webpage: http://www. bartleby. com/126/40. html.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
12+1 Best and Worst Excuses for Missing Work
12+1 Best and Worst Excuses for Missing Work Looking for a new job and need a day off to keep up with the applications? Perhaps you are just feeling a little under the weather and you need a break. Everyone needs time off from work at times and the excuses for doing so can range from the believable to the unbelievable.Whatever your real reason for staying home, here are the best and the worst excuses you can give for missing work. THE BEST EXCUSES FOR MISSING WORKThe employment market isn’t all that sunny right now and employees are doing everything they can to hold on to their jobs. The phenomenon of “presenteeismâ€, which means showing up even when you shouldn’t, is real.However, there are legitimate reasons for staying home. Sometimes you don’t even need to be actually sick to call in sick for a day â€" having a break in this hectic world shouldn’t be a crime.What makes an excuse a good one?But what are these elusive good excuses? There are three layers to a good excuse:The foundation of a good excuse is about being believable. You won’t be able to get away without questions and follow-ups if your excuse sounds more like a science fiction book than a reason to stay home. Aliens landing on your back garden is not believable while catching flu is something all humans go through at some point.The second layer of a good excuse is being considerate. While you are staying home and causing disruption in the workplace, a good excuse will always show a bit of selflessness. Your excuse should always be about not having another option â€" you need to make it like you can’t find another solution to your current state and you just have to stay home.Finally, your excuse must have a layer honesty. Now, this doesn’t mean you need to tell the whole truth â€" after all, we are talking about excuses here. You still want to have a hint of honesty in the excuse to make it sound more believable and considerate. For example, you might not have an actual family emergency on hand but you still want to spend some time with your grandmother who’s visiting from far away.The top 6 best excusesSo, if you need to stay home to look for a new job or recharge your batteries, here are the best excuses managers love to hear.1. You deserve itHave you worked hard in the past few months and achieved all your goals? How about you go straight to the point and say you deserve a day off just because you’ve been performing like a champion.Of course, this excuse only works if you’ve actually been doing well â€" you need to have shown up earlier, done extra work and helped your co-workers to pull this off. However, it’s a great excuse and one that might leave your boss speechless. If your performance is good, there’s nothing to argue with you!2. You are sick (including mental health issues)Calling in and saying your sick is an age-old excuse but it works. Everyone will have an upset stomach at times or a slight cough that makes them feel unable to talk â€" your boss won’t be asking for a doctor’s note for a bit of sickness. Contagious diseases like the common flu are especially good excuses â€" your boss doesn’t want you to make everyone sick!With mental health issues becoming a subject employer’s take seriously, you can even use that as a reason for a day off. Feeling anxious can be an excuse for staying home for a day. In fact, your boss might be less likely to think you ’re lying if you say you need some time due to depression or anxiety.However, you can’t use the excuse too often or every single time without it starting to sound a bit too suspicious. You also don’t want to make your sickness sound too dramatic â€" no one really recovers from pneumonia in one day!3. You have a family emergencyAnother familiar and common excuse is the family emergency excuse. If you have children, then you could tell the boss one of them is sick or needs special attention.You might even get away with a family emergency with your spouse or parents â€" bosses don’t generally want to start asking too many questions about your personal life and they will let you get away with staying home for a day.4. You have a household emergencyYou might just have woken up feeling a little cold but tell your boss you have a broken heating system to get a day off. A household emergency such as things being broken or leaking can work as an excuse to stay home. Many household pr oblems can’t wait and you can’t fix them without being at home.Another good reason here is saying you’re waiting for a delivery. While a pizza delivery isn’t a valid excuse, you might have a new appliance or furniture coming in and your boss should understand you need to be home to accept it.5. You can’t get to work due to bad weather/non-working public transportFor this good excuse to work it actually has to be true because your boss will know if you are lying. Saying you’re snowed in the house won’t really work if it’s not true â€" your boss could just check the weather to find out you’re lying.However, if the weather is rather severe or the public transport is not working properly, you can definitely use it as an excuse for staying home. Even if it isn’t actually impossible to get to work, you can just whip it up as an excuse and do something productive at home instead.6. You’re working from home/out of officeA great clever excuse for staying home is to say you’ll be working from home. You don’t need to spend the whole day on your mission â€" just do enough things to prove to your boss you did get things done and have the rest of the day to yourself. You’ll also save time on the commute so even if you work (or apply to jobs!), you can still have a more relaxing day.This is also a great excuse for those who manage clients. You can just say you are taking the client out. You can simply have lunch with them and spend the rest of the day doing other things.THE WORST EXCUSES FOR MISSING WORKBut there are excuses you shouldn’t use as well. These will probably only end up getting you in trouble or you’ll be answering a lot of questions once you do show up to work.When is an excuse bad?Just as there are three layers to a good excuse, there are three elements to a bad excuse. You know your excuse is bad if it:Has the main layer of being unbelievable. If the excuse is a crazy story that takes 15-minutes to explain, then you won’t get a pass with it. Something that sounds stupid as an excuse will simply make your boss laugh and say ‘no’. As mentioned above, an alien landing from the sky won’t sound like a reason to skip work because it probably isn’t happening.Mainly sounds selfish. If your excuse is just about you and your wellbeing it might end up making the boss sound mad. While you might deserve to lie in the bed all day long, it will still cause disruption at work. If you sound like you don’t care about work with your excuse, your boss might react more negatively to your claims. You might get to stay home but your boss might be disappointed in you and it could hinder your career in the long-term.It has a layer of outrageous lies. If your excuse sounds like an obvious lie, then it obviously is the worst excuse ever. Saying your child is sick when you don’t even have one is just plain stupid.The top 6 worst excusesHere are the six worst excuses you can give to your boss when you miss work.1. You†™re too tired/boredFeeling tired or bored is not really an excuse to stay home. You definitely want to color your excuse a little â€" just claim you are sick even if you just can’t be bothered.Your boss won’t appreciate your honesty in this case but might instead offer you some more C-vitamin to boost your energy levels. So, use one of the six excuses above and start looking for a job that doesn’t make you bored!2. You’ve been at a party/going to oneYou do know your work schedule, right? That means you shouldn’t end up partying the night before if you know you’ll have a hangover the next day. It’s not responsible to party when you have work the next day and using it as an excuse just won’t fly with bosses.3. Your vehicle won’t startA broken vehicle is a rather lame excuse although it’s a common one to use. Why does it suck as an excuse? Because you could just take out your smartphone and get an Uber instead of skipping work.Taxi-hailing apps are not that costly â €" in fact, your boss might even offer to reimburse you for the journey if you say the car won’t start. If you live in the city, then public transport is another option. If you just choose to stay at home, your boss might start questioning your commitment to work and feel like it’s time for a discussion.4. You can’t handle the workloadDon’t use busy work schedule as an excuse to stay home. If you’re actually suffering from the workload, bring up the topic with your boss and see what can be done. If you excuse yourself for this reason, you’re just going to end up with a lot more work and push the workload to your colleagues.Both of which won’t make you look like a good colleague. Again, it’s much better to claim you’re simply sick than to say you can’t handle the projects.5. Your alarm didn’t workThe oldest excuse in the book is to say your alarm didn’t work. But sleeping longer doesn’t really mean you need to miss the whole day, right? You could just get up and go to work for the rest of the day. The excuse is simply lazy and ineffective â€" it will land you in more trouble than saying you had a family emergency even when you didn’t.6. You’re too cold or too hotIt might sound silly but people have actually claimed to have to miss work because they feel too hot or cold at work. It’s actually not a completely valid reason to miss work and it’s a poor excuse as well.You probably have a wardrobe at home and your boss is likely to tell you to use it if this is your problem! Simply wear more clothing if you’re cold and less clothing if you’re hot.+1. You’ve had a death in the family (when you haven’t!)Finally, there is one bonus excuse you never-ever want to use and that’s someone’s death. Now, it’s OK to take time off work if you’ve actually had a death in the family or you need to attend a funeral. However, you should never claim someone has died when they actually haven’t.This is simply a horrible excuse â€" not only does it trick people into being sympathetic when you’re lying but it’s also horrible play on the most personal of emotions â€" it’s disrespectful towards anyone who has ever lost a loved one.THE BOTTOM LINE OF FINDING EXCUSES TO MISS WORKYou do sometimes find yourself having to skip work. It might be because you ended up having a party when you shouldn’t or because you are currently hoping to find a better workplace. You can’t always reveal the reason and as the above examples show, neither should you always tell the truth.A good excuse isn’t necessarily a lie but it’s most important quality is to be a believable excuse. You can’t make outrageous stories and then be surprised when the boss wants a better explanation.So, if you are going to have to miss work make sure your excuses stick. You don’t want to get into further trouble by giving a stupid reason for not showing up. Either you go to work or you use one of the best excuses and give your boss no reason to doubt your story. And remember, you don’t want to use excuses all the time!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Trifles a Moral Justifacation for Murder Essay
Trifles: A Moral Justification for Murder The one act play â€Å"Trifles†depicts the views and passions of both men and women during the late-nineteenth century regarding the role of a woman. The characters in the play are the County Attorney, the Sheriff, and Mr. Hale, who are accompanied by Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters into the Wright’s home to investigate the murder of Mr. Wright. The men feel that the women are only concerning themselves with little things and make several condescending comments throughout the play displaying their views. While the men search for clues upstairs and in the outside barn yard, it is the women who cleverly piece together several clues leading to Mrs. Wright’s guilt in the murder mystery. But, because of the†¦show more content†¦In the meanwhile, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, the wives of Mr. Hale and the Sheriff, are left in the kitchen area to gather a few items for Mrs. Wright, while she is in jail awaiting the investigation. Mrs. Peters began looking through the closet for Mrs. Wright’s requested items, while Mrs. Hale spoke of how much Mrs. Wright had changed since childhood, â€Å"Wright was close. I think maybe thats why she kept so much to herself. She didnt even belong to the Ladies Aid. I suppose she felt she couldnt do her part, and then you dont enjoy things when you feel shabby. She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively, when she was Minnie Foster, one of the town girls singing in the choir. But that--oh, that was thirty years ago†(Glaspell 1340); this statement implies to the reader that Mr. Wight was the main cause of Mrs. Wright’s solitude and unhappiness. While the women continue to gather items, they notice details such as a roughed up bird cage, and an unfinished, poorly stitched quilt which begin to piece together the story leading up to Mr. Wright’s murder. Mrs. Hale begins to feel guilty imagining the loneliness Mrs. Wright must had felt living alone with cold Mr. Wright without even a child to keep her company for so many years. She confesses to Mrs. Peters, â€Å"I couldve come. I stayed away because it werent cheerful--and thats why I ought to have come. I--Ive never liked this place. Maybe because its down
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie Iceman - 1198 Words
There was a question leaved me confused at times. Where did I come from? Where did human come from? I heard many religious stories about the origin of human. However, those legends cannot solve my doubts. After I took this anthropology class, I got my answer. Modern humans evolved in Africa. Moreover, I learned that our bodies also contain small percent Neandertal DNA. What was the Neandertal? Neandertal, the scientific name of which is Homo Neandertalensis, existed roughly between 200,000 and 30,000 years ago. They lived in Europe eastward to Central Asia. In fact, in the past, scientists always thought that Neandertals were more likely brutal and stupid apes. However, Neandertals were smart like modern humans and owned their special†¦show more content†¦He also knows that the Neandertal’s name is Charlie. Gradually, Shepherd finds that Charlie wants to call back his family and tribe through the Beedha: a mythical bird. Shephard decides to help Charlie to escape beca use other group members want to re-freeze Charlie to do more research. In an ice-shelf, Charlie grabs one land ski of an aircraft because he thinks that the aircraft is Beedha. Eventually, he loosens his hand and falls from the sky to seek the redemption. First, in this movie, the Neandertal dresses in animal skins, has a stone necklace and carries a little bag with bones and a charm that is made by flax and rock. Also, Charlie makes a new charm and some wood spears by using obsidian knife when he sits beside the bonfire. All those information means that the Neandertal could make stone tools and use it to hunt or make other different material tools. In Clark Spencer Larsen’s book Our Origins: Discovering Physical Anthropology, he states, â€Å"Late Neandertals†¦produce stone tools that were modern in many respects and certainly as complex as those produced by early modern humans.†(Larsen 381). Expect the stone tools, Neandertals also create various tools. Joe Alper claims in his article â€Å"Rethinking Neandertals†that, â€Å"The typical Neandertal tool kit contained a variety of implements, including large spear points and knives that would have been hafted, or set in wooden handles. Other tools were sui table
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Commercialization of the Navajo Sand Painting Practice Free Essays
For the West, art has traditionally been considered as the mark of civilization, in so far as humanity is able to capture and render the essence of beauty and preserve this through their â€Å"artwork.†( Gilbert, 1982; Errington, 1994; Witherspoon, 1977)  Indeed, art may even be a purely Western construct â€Å"since textiles and jewellery, clothing and cosmetics (to mention only a few of the contexts where aesthetic choices operate) are not usually considered by us to be Art with a capital ‘A’.†(Gilbert, 1982: 168) The understanding and appreciation of non-Western â€Å"art†has therefore been problematic for many scholars, given that branding such cultural products and practices as such carries with it the enthnocentric connotations of the Western definition which usually defines â€Å"art†based on the value system of Western culture (Gilbert, 1982: 167-168; Errington, 1994: 203; Clifford, 1988:221) that, as Robbins (2005) points out, has become more and more concerned with the accumulation of material wealth and the derivation of fulfillment from the consumption of products (Robbins 2005:20) and where the perception of beauty is lamentably static. We will write a custom essay sample on Commercialization of the Navajo Sand Painting Practice or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Witherspoon, 1977:152) Critics have likewise noted that â€Å"art†in the West has often connoted being â€Å"art by intention,†which are produced and valued to be perceived for their beauty and for the monetary value that they carried.(Errington, 1994: 201) This is distinguished from what is considered as â€Å"art by appropriation†or the things that were produced for purposes other than art but are appraised to be of high value with antiquity or the possession of an indigenous or unique identity, thereby alienating them from the culture that produced them. Witherspoon (1977), for instance, emphasizes the importance of defining indigenous behavior, institutions, and practices within the context of their culture or at the very least, â€Å"against the backdrop of their view of the world or their ideological frame of reference.†(Witherspoon 1977:4) This includes confronting the fact that these cultures often evolve or even change with their exposure to other cultures and vice versa. The dilemma over the treatment and definition of non-Western art is illustrated, for instance, in efforts to preserve Navajo sand paintings so they could be sold and collected (Errington, 1994: 203). The sand paintings which were originally used in Navajo religious rites and healing ceremonies have been described as â€Å"true masterpieces of art†for their â€Å"instinctive awareness of the basic principles of design, colour harmonies, and contrasts.†(Foster, 1963:43) Ironically, the sand paintings were created by the Navajo not for art’s sake but as an integral part of religious healing ceremonies to locate and reestablish of an individual in his or her right place in the the universe and thus cure his or her illness. These paintings often utilized colored sand, cornmeal, and other bits of material to depict the Navajo’s vision of the cosmos and to symbolize their socio-economic life and other cultural elements.(Robbins, 2005: 14; Foster, 1963: 43) Foster (1963) notes that the Navajo was able to make over a thousand designs from symbols and patterns that were unique to them, and how, after the sand painting had been painstakingly drawn, the shamans would proceed to rub parts of the design on the individual who was to be cured while praying through chants. For the Navajo people, the sand paintings were indeed relevant not only as a religious tool but also as a source of magic. Horrified by the fact that these intricate sand paintings were often destroyed by being sat on or rubbed off during the healing process and thrown out afterwards, â€Å"concerned†individuals found ways to keep these intact using glue and other materials. (Errington, 1994: 203) This concern to preserve the end product of a cultural practice for its artistic or aesthetic value, however, contrasts sharply with the Navajo’s concept of beauty that lies more in the creative process that is inextricably linked with their way of life itself. Thus, beauty for the Navajo lies not in the sand painting that has served its purpose in curing a community member’s illness but in the entire religious ceremony where the sand painting is but a small component. The careless tendency to preserve or collect â€Å"art†from other cultures therefore engenders the superimposition of  another culture’s value systems and assumptions of meaning on the cultural practices or even the products of cultural practices (Errington, 1994: 205). This is especially true in the case of the sand paintings, where the preservation enabled them to become â€Å" durable and portable, able to be moved to new locations, and hung on the walls as â€Å"art††(Errington, 1994:205). With this transformation from a religious and highly significant part of Navajo tradition to a home or museum artifact, the Navajo sand painting tend to lose its significance as it became divorced from the culture that produced it. Thus, the Navajo sand painting seem to have lost its meaning as it became more and more commercialized. Approriated as art, the practice became insignificant insofar as the culture and the community that practiced it disintegrated, devoiding sand painting of its ritual meaning and significance. Works Cited: Clifford, J. (1988). The Predicament of Culture. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Errington, S. (1994). What became authentic primitive art? Cultural Anthropology, 9(2). Foster, K. (1963). Navajo sand paintings. Man, 63. Gilbert, M. (1982). Art: the primitive view. The British Journal of Aesthetics, 22(2). Robbins, R. H. (2005). Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism. Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon. Witherspoon, G. (1977). Language and Art in the Navajo Universe. Michigan: University of Michigan Press.              How to cite Commercialization of the Navajo Sand Painting Practice, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Martha McCaskey free essay sample
Her jobs were to analyst and report the competitive advantages of competitor companies to her clients. The employees of this company were separated into two groups, old and new guard. The members in old guard such as Rendall and Kaufmann often paid ex-employees of target companies to obtain highly sensitive information. IAD’s top manager, Tom Malone, knew the company situation and knew how to play the game. Issue In Silicon 6 project, she had to get the secret information about the new chip manufacturing process and the cost structure for her biggest and oldest client. The only way to get this information was to pay off Devon, an ex-employee of the competitor company who perceived McCaskey as a representative from an environmental concerning company. Moreover, Malone offered her the promotion to be a group manager after finishing this project. However, she felt that getting information by telling a lie was unethical and compromised her integrity. We will write a custom essay sample on Martha McCaskey or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because the project was so important and the client really need these information, Malone increased the money offered for Devon and allowed McCaskey, if she need, to bring Kaufmann into the team. Recommendations I recommend that McCaskey should step down from the project and start looking for a new job. My recommendation bases on the value judgment. To lie individual is morally guilty. At this time, she should realize that the core business of this company is to spy the propriety information from the target company. To work and be successful in this company, she must be familiar with these sleazy ways. If she feels uncomfortable with the ways the company do the business, it is no benefit staying in the company. In addition, after promoting to be group manager, it is obvious that she has to do the dirty work again and again. This might hurt her reputation in long term. Even worst, she might get law suited from the target company because some consider getting propriety information breaking the law. In my opinion, this company is not good enough to work with for several reasons. First, top managers had no ethics. For example, they took company’s bonus for themselves. Second, there are many illegal actions that might lead to lawsuit. And finally, if top manager from head quarter in Chicago know about these illegal actions, they cannot let this situation continue and she, as a member of the conspiracy action, might be get fired. However, I recommend that she must finish this project. To get the new jobs, she needs excellent working experience and a good reference letter from Malone. So, she has to show responsibility as a project leader. She can talk to Malone that she has no experience on this situation and ask for help from her colleague, Kaufmann. She doesn’t have to blame herself at all on doing this because this action can be considered as a manager’s decision. With this way, she can finish the project and get promoted to be a group manager. And this promotion will show the progress in her career path which is very important for her new job application. On the other hand, I do not recommend her to voice her concern on the any upper level. Apparently, Richard and Malone are in the same boat. They do not consider getting information this way to be illegal or to be unethical. By doing so, she cannot stop the current behavior of Industry Analysis Division. If she asks for help from the people in head quarter, they might do something such as firing some people. She does not get any benefits but might hurt many people and put her at risk as a whistle blower. In conclusion, I recommend McCaskey finish the project by asking help from Kaufmann. After project finish, she should give two week notice and seek for a new company that suit to her.
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