Wednesday, July 31, 2019
A reaction paper to the book: may god have mercy
The focal point of this essay is to prepare a reaction paper for the book May God Have Mercy: A True Story of Crime and Punishment by John C. Tucker. This 368 page paperback was written by the author to look into the death penalty of Roger Coleman in 1992 who was convicted for a murder case in spite of the evidences being placed on a soft ground. As a defense attorney of criminal activities John C. Tucker indulges himself in investigation and analyzes and criticizes the loopholes of the judiciary system and the prevailing criminal justice process. Wanda Fay McCoy, a young woman of 19 years of age, was found raped and murdered in her bedroom in March 1981. The prime suspect was Roger Coleman, brother-in-law of the victim. Roger Coleman had a history of sexual assaults in past thus he was the logical suspect for the small town police officials who were investigating the case. This was a perfect example of the ‘catch first, prove later’ fallacy rather than the rational approach to the case. The Grundy police suspected Roger Coleman for the rape and murder, caught him and them tried to arrange the case in accordance to prove Roger Coleman guilty. The entire approach was a short cut to success for the investigating cops and the entire scenario was close to an act of travesty. Therefore, as a result, though there was not much evidence against Roger Coleman to prove him guilty the convict was tried in a double quick manner and was thus found guilty. The verdict against him was death penalty. May God Have Mercy: A True Story of Crime and Punishment by John C. Tucker narrates the buildup and eventual conclusion of this legal battle and a man’s struggle to be free against legal system’s strangling notions. The author presents the documentations in a chilling mode where it becomes evident that something was going wrong somewhere. The defense lawyers knew this. The media knew this and so was the general mass. But for the judicial system Roger Coleman was guilty without doubt. The case of Roger Coleman as narrated by John C. Tucker appears to us as a frightening denunciation of political affairs as customary that is clear to confront the conjectures of a person who considers that the justice system of America is concerned first and foremost with righteousness. Roger Coleman's account is convincing, distressing, and awesomely wearisome. While reading May God Have Mercy: A True Story of Crime and Punishment by John C. Tucker it is virtually impossible for a person to be move away completely unaffected. This is because the author has done a remarkable job by presenting the rules and the process of multifaceted legal conceptions in a simple and clear language. Otherwise any such proceedings would have been bound to be confusing and rather dull. Tucker also incorporates many stories dealing with the personal parameters of the convict’s life to present a moving and powerful humane account. As for the settings of the case it should be mentioned that in general the judiciary system is arranged in such a manner that an innocent person is hardly ever convicted especially in the circumstances of a possible death penalty. But it was proved wrong in case of Roger Coleman's account of trial. It is not that Tucker advocates blindly with irrational suspicion that Roger Coleman's case was not guilty. But he simply points at the sustainable evidences that indicated that the convict was not to be blamed. Substantial evidence is what tucker is more concerned about and he tends to follow the proceedings of the law and identifies the evidences hardly proved the convict guilty with a full proof assurance. It is true that any judicial system should be rigid in some way or the other to pursue criminals into justice but it should always be remembered that justice as an individual objective is extremely volatile if it is not handled with proper care and common human sense of truth and rightfulness. Roger Coleman's account of a mishandled human being is the prime example of justice becoming a curse for the society and failing to follow the basic norms of a civilized human society. This basic norm of a society is undoubtedly a profound humane approach to any problem where solutions would be acquired with benevolent advance towards rational behaviors and accomplishments. It is not about the fact that whether truly Roger Coleman actually guilty or not but the main concern over here is the nature of the proceedings that were followed. This is the main issue of the book and the author has incorporated that needful doubt within the readers that should have been present within the faiths of judicial personnel in the first place. It is evident that if anybody commits to memory about the case not so far away from the media coverage it is obvious that he or she would be traumatized and horror struck at this chronicle with its deficiency of concern, ordinary logical conclusions and fundamental compassion towards human values of the legal system American government can acquire. Reference: Tucker, John C; August 10, 1998; May God Have Mercy: A True Story of Crime and Punishment; Delta Publications Â
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Theme Analysis ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’ by Oscar Wilde
‘Nineteenth Century Short Stories' is a collection of tales from the nineteen hundreds. This essay will concentrate on just one of these stories. It will include a thorough analysis of the story including my views and opinions towards the language, imagery and setting that the author uses. The story I have chosen to analyse is ‘The Nightingale and the Rose', by Oscar Wilde. This is one of many children's stories that he wrote, as he is well known to have ‘used the form of fairy tale to reflect on modern life and to debate ideas'. ‘The Nightingale and the Rose' is a very poignant story following the theme of love.The theme is conveyed in this story through the actions of the Nightingale. It demonstrates how one life would sacrifice itself in order to make another happy. From the Nightingale's point of view, this is a tragically ironic story. For she thinks that the Student must be a ‘true lover' – she thinks that he would give anything for one nigh t with the Professor's daughter. ‘She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses†¦ yet for want of a red rose is my life made wretched', the Nightingale hears him cry; and on this evidence alone she bases her opinion: ‘Here at last is a true lover.'When in fact the only feelings the Student has for the Professor's daughter are those of material love. He is only interested in her beauty. He says to himself ‘She has form – that cannot be denied to her' but then he says ‘She would not sacrifice herself for others', which is exactly what the Nightingale is about to do for him. She is willing to sacrifice her life for love; for the Student to be able to spend one night with the girl he supposedly admires. An interesting point to note is when the Student mentions that the Professor's daughter ‘has some beautiful notes in her voice.What a pity it is that they do not mean anything, or do any practical good. ‘ Now Nightingales are renowned for having beautiful voices, but the Student does not appreciate the wonderful art of music. A few paragraphs before these lines the Nightingale sings to the Student telling him of how she intends to sacrifice her life for him; ‘be happy; you shall have your red rose. I will build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with my own heart's-blood. ‘ Although he cannot understand them, these words are, in fact, deeply meaningful to the Student.And as for music doing no ‘practical good', well, what would you call the outcome of the red rose? The Nightingale died and the rose was born. Music made that red rose. The Student does not realise how wrong his judgements are. We find out that the only ‘true lover' was in fact the Nightingale. She was the only one with sincere feelings, and she was prepared to sacrifice her life for those feelings, even though she knew she would not gain anything from it. The fact that she was doing it for love, and that she was making someone happy, was enough for her. She was really the only one who deserved love – the only one worthy of it.The Nightingale was love. She went to the greatest extremes to find a red rose for the Student to give to the Professor's daughter. She flew all around the garden trying to find a red rose. She flew to ‘the centre of the grass-plot', and 'round the old sun-dial', and finally ‘beneath the Students window', where she eventually found a red rose tree. But the tree was damaged, and would not bear a red rose. the only way the Nightingale could obtain a red rose from this tree, would be to ‘build it out of music by moonlight', and stain it with her ‘own heart's-blood'; and that is what she did.The story is set in a garden of fantasy – it is full of talking creatures and trees; not unlike the Garden of Eden in the Bible, which had a talking snake. Perhaps the author used a garden because in the Bible it is very symbolic, and its story has many lessons and meanings. Maybe that was what Oscar Wilde was trying to convey in his writing.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Coke Zero Essay
1. Some industry analysts think soft-drink companies should develop products that will bring new customers into the market rather than just creating variants on the old. They warn that products like Coke Zero will cannibalize lost market share from other soft drink categories instead of increasing the number of consumers overall. Which Coca-Cola products are most likely to lose customers to Coke Zero? Since Coke Zero is targeting Men, I think that regular Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, and Diet Coke Plus will all lose some of their customers to Coke Zero. Coke Zero has the word â€Å"zero†in it which already sounds a lot better than â€Å"Diet Coke†or â€Å"Diet Coke Plus†. â€Å"Coke Zero†is straight to the point and automatically has the potential customer thinking he (or she) will not be consuming any calories. 2. Why do you think that the hidden-camera videos used to promote Coke Zero were an effective way to reach its target market? Do you think a similar strategy with a viral marketing campaign on the Internet would appeal to the target market for Diet Coke Plus? I think the hidden cameras were a good idea, but not completely original. I also disagree with Coca-Cola company targeting only men – I think they should promote it to women as well. They really do have a great affect when the word â€Å"zero†is in it’s name. Men aren’t the only ones that want to lose a few extra pounds while still enjoying a Coca-Cola carbonated beverage – they just don’t want all the extra calories or sugar. 3. Do you think Diet Coke could have been repositioned to change consumers’ perceptions of it enough to be considered a drink equally appealing to men? Why or why not?
International Relations Theory and the Environmental Crises Research Paper
International Relations Theory and the Environmental Crises - Research Paper Example The main ecological challenges of the deterioration of the physical health of the environment are still not analyzed in the context of a full-fledged ecological crisis. Let us start analysing the critical situation of our physical environment through various warning signs that emanate from nature including the warming of global climate, thinning of the stratospheric ozone shield, accelerating loss of biodiversity, acidification of freshwater lakes, soil erosion, desertification, and many others (Laferriere & Stoett, 1999, p. 3), IR theorists have remained unable to concentrate on the upcoming environmental crises. The study of the environmental crises in relation to the IR can be initiated by understanding the notion that the underlying causes of ecological degradation are political and wherever they are not, are followed by the human consequences of natural disasters. Many theorists believe that such 'attacks on nature' indicates a commitment to material growth and state power, which requires the systematic control and use of human and non-human nature. Therefore IR theory tells us that 'Positivist' theories are most likely the ones to replicate IR epistemology and are aimed to a limited extent to consider the methods adopted by the natural sciences.This way we see that examining the congruence between realism and environmental crisis requires an appraisal of key realist assumptions and recommendations, and hence of their likely implications for the state of the world. The concept of security that is produced in the classic realist texts of the immediate post-war period is clearly dependent on the container schema. However, it is equally clear that the compelling nature of the realist discourse is dependent not on one single schema and derived metaphors, but on a densely interconnected network of schemas and metaphors which are not static but have their own inferential dynamics (Beer & Hariman, 1996, p. 209). That means realism supports all kinds of power seeking techniques inclusive of all weapons of mass destruction. If we analyze the environmental crisis in the light of Darwinian studies of evolution, it is clear that we would find a solid basis which supports both 'realist' theories of international relations and 'rational choice' approaches throughout the social sciences (Masters, 2004). IR policy suggests that if a policy is perceived as a strict response to international structure, it is to argue that there need be no direct connection between a realist perspective in international affairs and one's particular ideological affinity in the 'domestic' sphere. This has been a controversial argument made about Hobbes which represents either realism's greatest strength or its greatest weakness, depending on one's interpretation.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Evaluation of Evidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Evaluation of Evidence - Essay Example The essay "Evaluation of Evidence" discusses if the prenatal breastfeeding education program impacts the period of absolute and proper breastfeeding for the pregnant women contemplating breastfeeding, as compared to not taking part in a prenatal breastfeeding education program.Mei Zen, Su-Chen, Avery, Wei, Kuan-Chia, and Meei-Ling conducted a study to assess an internet based breastfeeding training program offered to primigravidas in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy with the intention of intensifying breastfeeding understanding and boosting capabilities. The design entailed a sample of 120 women, at 29 to 36 weeks gestation, and showing the wish to take part in the breastfeeding education program. The participants were allowed to sign the consent forms that indicated their willful intentions of taking part in the study. The study established evident advancement in breastfeeding knowledge and perception on the posttest by the trial cohort compared with the controlled cohort. At 2, 4 and 6 weeks postpartum, the experimental group had evidently greater exclusive breastfeeding rates than the controlled cohort. It is evident from the study that nurses must strive to remain informed and techno-savvy. This entailed being prepared to provide answers to questions in the hospital settings, in the case online backup is not available. However, this paper encountered some weaknesses. The researchers chose a small population of a similar location, impacts of choosing and lack of generalization.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Motivation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Motivation - Assignment Example For instance, people who do menial jobs will always increase their performance if the wages are improved (Whiteley, 78). However, it is further seen that in cases where the job only requires even the most rudimentary cognitive skills to perform, then the higher the amount of reward then the poor the performance realized. This certainly contradicts the expectancy theory. In the same way, once the nature of the job requires above average cognitive skills, then an increase in the rewards will not always lead to better performance on the part of the workers. In fact the situation gets much worse for those people who get the largest rewards as their performance usually becomes the worst compared to those who are least rewarded. 2) In a way, the message of the speaker is a bit consistent with what is normally seen in real life situations. Across many organizations, the people at the lower levels usually receive the least wages and salaries. These people are therefore very sensitive to aspects of money and any slight increase in their wages will definitely increase their performance. For instance, people who do mechanical jobs tend to increase their input in the job in case they are promised higher pay. On the other hand, the top executives at the organization receive large amounts of money and are therefore very insensitive to such issues. Increase in their bonuses cannot therefore make them improve their performance. Since they get huge rewards to motivate them, such rewards are normally wasted in most cases since they do not really affect performance positively but negatively. I experienced such a case while working at a paper making factory where many people performed mechanical jobs while other worked i n the offices at the factory. 3) As a manager, the knowledge gained from the video would be very appropriate in enabling me to effectively know how to reward
Friday, July 26, 2019
Compare and contrast the opportunities and threats facing global Essay
Compare and contrast the opportunities and threats facing global companies in the three Triad markets. To what extent do these differences suggest different app - Essay Example This essay describes multinational corporations, that till two decades ago were vertically integrated and hierarchically organized. Now the multinationals disperse the core activities including the technological development. Today the â€Å"developing countries†are developing cutting edge technology. Software development and pharmaceutical research is being done in India while mobile and telecommunications is concentrated in China. Advanced aerospace work is being done in Brazil. The reason for driving work to these nations is due to the push to cut costs as globalization has heightened competition. In the case of technology development, the basic research and development was done at some central laboratories while the application was carried out at triad production facilities. At the same time there is a pull of growth markets in emerging economies that requires new engineering and technology development. This paper discusses how the strategies in the triad markets have diff ered and the causes thereon. The researcher then presents some examples on the subject, such as UK has used strategies like disruptive innovation apart from having a conservative approach which is responsible for the slow growth in every sector. Japan has a positive approach and believes in having strong vendor relations which has been duplicated by the US. It is then concluded that while threats arise from different factors, opportunities too are plenty and the right strategy is to be at the right place in the right way at the right time.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Language is the Most Important Component of Communication Essay
Language is the Most Important Component of Communication - Essay Example The study of language, known as linguistics, has tried to show how language develops among different communities. This study also tries to understand the factors that contribute to similarities and differences in languages. It is clear from the chapter that language does not only mean the ability to talk. There are many forms of language used by human beings to communicate. Spoken language is the most common among them. Currently, there are about three thousands to six thousands different languages in the world. Linguistic anthropology, a branch of linguistics, majors in the study of structure of language. In this study, anthropologists study patterns of sound, the meaning of words made by these sounds, and how these words are combines to make meaningful sentences. Semantics are also covered in this area. Different people from different locations use different terns to describe similar things and physical phenomena in their environment. However, there are some similarities in some of their classifications for instance relatives. Also another area of concern for anthropologists is the origin of language. There are different models that explain the origin and development of language. For instance, from the behaviorist model, a person acquires and develops language from both negative and positive experiences. In linguistics, specifically historical linguistics, the relationship between different languages is also explored. ... Another field of linguistic anthropology is the study of non-verbal communication. Different communities have different forms of nonverbal communication. However, there are those that are universal. Non-verbal communication uses signs and body language to communicate different messages. This field of linguistics have helped very much especially in the study of sign language which is now being used universally. Yet another modern form of language is coded language which is very specialized. This field is being utilized in the field of science for instance in computers. Question two Language is part of every society’s culture therefore understanding the language of a community helps in understanding of a culture of a society. In studying the similarities, differences and development of languages of different communities, we are able to understand the societies better. For example there are communities that live in different geographic locations but have similar or related langua ges. Through this, we can be able to trace the origin of some communities. In these modern days, globalization has influenced almost all aspects in life language included. By making the world a global village means that there is a need for every person from any part of the world to understand each other. In the early times, communication was the major barrier to globalization. Studies in linguistics made everything easier all over sudden. With development of sign language people could communicate and even do business without necessarily having to talk. Again, development of sign language has helped in communication of people who cannot talk or hear. The study of linguistics is being applied
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Why was India so important to Britain between c. 1858 and 1914 Essay
Why was India so important to Britain between c. 1858 and 1914 - Essay Example But in course of time the merchants became the master of the land2. Like Dutch, the Danish started a Danish East India Company in 1616 and established factories at Tranquebar in 1620 and Serampore in 1676. But they sold of their factories to the British in 1845 for Rs. 12, 50,000. The Ostend Company was similarly started by Flemish merchants in 1723. Its chief settlement in India was at Bankibazar, three miles north of Barrackpur. A Swedish East India Company was chartered in 1731. All these projects, after sometime, could not stand the test of time3. The victory of the English over the Spanish Armada and the report of the immense wealth of India spread by the English travellers like Ralph Fitch and Mildenball aroused in the minds of Englishmen a strong desire to trade with the East. With this end in a view body of English merchants applied to Queen Elizabeth for a charter granting them the right of trading in the East. In 1600, Queen Elizabeth granted them under the title, ‘The Governor And Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies’ - a monopoly of trade in the East for a term of 15 years. This company is generally known as East India Company. India was the bone of contention between England and France but as a result of three Carnatic Wars fought from 1746 to 1761, the East India Company had established her superiority in India. As a result of her success in the wars amongst European Powers in the 18th Century, England emerged as the mistress of the seas4. There is no doubt that the permanent settlement made the British government highly popular and gave stability to its administration. The causes those were responsible for the success of the English Company. Firstly it was a private enterprise. This created a spirit of self-reliance among the people. They knew that if they worked hard, they would be able to get profits and if they slacked, they were to be ruined. The result was English company
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
US stock market Indexes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
US stock market Indexes - Research Paper Example The index is used in the context of actual 500 companies having their stocks in it. All the companies are publicly held and trade on NASDAQ, one of the two largest US stock markets. The S&P 500 comes on the second number as the most widely observed index of large-cap US stocks in comparison to the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), which is the no. 1 large-cap US stock. Otherwise, the S&P leads the US economy as a part of the index of leading indicators (â€Å"Real Time Charts,†2008). The Dow Jones Industrial Average index was compiled to measure the industrial component of America’s stock markets, which is the oldest continuing U.S. market index. Currently, it consists of 30 of the biggest and vastly held companies in the U.S. The â€Å"industrial†name is no more relevant as many of the 30 modern components are unrelated to heavy industry. To make up the effects of stock splits and other settings, DJIA is currently a scaled average, not the real average of the prices of its component stocks. To generate the value of the index, the total of the component prices is fractioned by a divisor that changes over time (â€Å"Real Time Charts,†2008). The NASDAQ Composite is a stock market index of all of the common stocks and similar securities like ADRs, tracking stocks, limited partnership interests, listed on the NASDAQ stock market, which means that it has more than 3,000 components. It is renowned as an indicator of the performance of stocks of technology companies and growth companies in the US (â€Å"Real Time Charts,†2008). On the other hand, a number of index funds and exchange-traded funds follow the performance of the S&P 500 by keeping the same stocks as held by S&P 500 in the same values to reach near its performance level. Such companies that have added their stock to the S&P 500 list may see a rise in their stock price as the managers of the mutual funds have to purchase that companys stock
Eco204 potato chip monopoly Essay Example for Free
Eco204 potato chip monopoly Essay A monopoly is an industry composed of only one firm that produces a product for which there are no close substitutions and in which significant barriers exist to prevent new firms from entering into the industry (Case, 2009). In a different definition, it can be distinguished by a lack of financially viable competition to produce the goods or services as well as to substitute goods. Monopolies often refer to a procedure by which a company could gain a determinedly larger market than what would be expected under an ideal competition. This paper will emphasize on several components such as how a monopoly can benefit towards stakeholders or owners. Also, how the changes could take place according to price and output of the goods and services in a particular market place and how the market structure can be beneficial to the Wonks potato chip monopoly. This paper addresses a particular incident regarding a company called â€Å"Wonk†that produced potato chips. In 2008, two lawyers started acquiring aggressive potato chip firms with the plan to create a monopoly firm ‘Wonk’. From this perspective, those lawyers hired a consulting firm to manage and estimate the long-run competitive stability of this firm as monopoly. Again, with rule of marketplace a monopoly is a company which produces goods and services for which there no substitution in that particular area to compete for those certain products or services and prohibits new companies enter in that market to serve that community. By acquiring all the farms that produce similar products like potato chips those lawyers made a perfect monopoly of its kind. A perfect or pure monopoly would definitely make this firm to control the entire business of that kind. This is how this â€Å"Wonk†takes over its significant position and which reflect on the market demand curve. This company with two lawyers now would have power over everything from output quantity, to price point and as well as customer choice. In this case the cost of production would the only thing remaining against them. When the firm has over all control to what extent of production would take place and how much production would be continued based on demand and thus the firm controls their position on the demand curve. This would be a great example of Monopoly. By running a company as a monopoly there would be no difference between the product market and the company. (Case, 2009) Since the company is the market place where it would eventually decide what move should they make, what is going on in terms of external and internal operation of the business. This situation could generate a significant price unfairness, which would definitely impact families, consumers and suppliers of the goods and services. This kind of discrimination could affect suppliers being charged a higher fee for the similar goods and services in the area where they reside or within their reach. In these circumstances, monopoly would ultimately affect the society and regular consumers. Some families would have to pay higher than others for trading the same goods and services if it was purchased from different location or city where this type of Monopoly does not exist. When a manufacturer negotiates a lower rate that might be a different case whether it acts as Monopoly or not it takes a different direction and breaks the monopoly games. As a business owner or consumers, it is definitely not very beneficial to have a firm that is monopoly due to its power and control that affects consumers or the society. One of the most important components of monopoly is the improved price discrimination which often allows a monopolist to increase greater profit by charging more money to those consumers that require in higher demand and those who need the product more or who have a better ability to bear the cost. For example, most of the textbooks cost significantly higher in the United States than in a third world country like Sudan. Monopoly embraced company has serious power to be in charge of price point, which can affect the business and supplier and then ultimately the consumer. In this case the business of Wonk as monopoly, the owners are required to only have only a few choices to acquire the potato chips ingredients products. This type of situation obviously playing a huge role in monopoly where owners selling price would be affected if the remarkable producer started increasing their price point based on this simple fact that they have the authority and own all market shares. This control of the market would definitely affect the buyer’s price and finally when the consumers acquire. If a company increase or decrease the prices in the market, the producers can change and adjust the demand and total quantity of goods and services that manufactured for consumers. Monopolies are usually good for the company owners and shareholders when they know that the market is captured by their company. Therefore, they attract more people to buy shares due to better revenue and sound financial outcomes. Similarly, the Wonk potato chips company would benefit by operating as a monopoly and take advantage of the situation. In this case, Wonk would have the precise knowledge and understanding of how they would move their products and fully aware of the market condition. Since they control the overall market they would not have any competition with their products to move whenever it requires. By controlling production and the amount of product to be received by the consumer, Wonk Company would control the selling price due to all the power of what a monopoly creates demand on their own. Since, the company is free from competition they could easily increase their price of products as much as they want. Therefore they would benefit from this opportunity once all price position is recognized. If the company increases its price too high at certain limit, Wonk could face a serious challenge to satisfy the consumers. But, that affect in the long run. Ultimately Wonk has the control to set pricing by operating as a monopoly. This decision as to where to set pricing can ultimately impact the demand curve. When company set its price the consumers could miss the value of products and services in a fair market. As a producer or a supplier it is very important to continuously satisfy customers and consumers and should be the first choice to satisfy from the chain. This situation could generate an impact on market demand resulting in a loss of revenue. By setting price point to low, the manufacturer may need to sell much more product to compensate for production costs. When dealing with monopolies in other areas except food manufacturing industry, we could determine that there is no limit to how high price point. But for this particular industry, I would say that the price point would not increase right away since the Wonk has realized that it’s not viable for them to increase price point in an higher set, because it could drive all the customers away from the business. Of course I do believe that the company would increase the price in acceptable manner that consumers still keep faith on the company. Wonk, a monopoly business would have many significant benefits as an ideal, healthy company in perfect situation with any competition. Since they are the only the producer of goods and services in the market the potato chip market in whole would be fully controlled by Wonk. Since A perfect competition industry would allow a fairness of price setting, most companies would sell competitive products, and there would no company larger to capture a unwanted price. Here, Wonks most certainly would buy out all relevant potato chip rivals and thus, they would control the potato chip industry which would not qualify for a perfect competition market. Therefore, their profit would sky rocketed and on the other had consumers would be refrained from a better price for quality products that has competition. In an ideal world as a consumer, I believe everyone would contribute to a perfect competition and buy goods and services from a monopoly free, ideal competitive industry. In a competitive market the buyer has the option to choose what products is suitable for his or her needs and would have many choices to pick from. The biggest advantage for the customers would be many different option and types of products and many different prices (Case, 2009). Monopolistic market drives the producer to shares many small segments of the market which usually helps keep the price of the products in an acceptable stage and consumers could afford happily. I believe different choice of prices would absolutely be an advantageous method for to the consumers. Wonks could face charges for practicing monopoly with the Sherman Act of 1890. The Sherman Act states that it is illegal for an individual or a company to operate a monopoly business or attempt to monopolize. There are many different government authorities are in charge to restrict the rules. The offices that handle the authority to implement and regulate are Federal Trade Commission and Antitrust Division of the Justice Department. By enforcing these acts and laws the Federal Government has been fully determined to keep firms to stay away from monopolize. Monopoly business, Wonk restricts a good fairness market which only made profitable for itself but made the consumers refrained from open and fair choices of market shares. Wonk made them the only choice available for consumers regardless of quality products such as potato chips. As consumer, I would not accept one choice of product. I would like to have many different price and quality products available for me to be fully satisfied. Thus it is absolutely clear the reason why federal governments put laws on the table to protect customer’s right and let other business have their opportunity to serve with variety of goods and services. It is clear that Wonk, a monopoly company certainly in control of everything and benefits from every direction from price to quality to consumer’s choice. References Case, K. E. , Fair, R. C. , and Oster, S. M. (2009) Principles of Microeconomics (9th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Kelvin Lancaster (1974), Introduction to Modern microeconomics, Second Edition, United States: Rand McNally College Pub. Co Michael Parkin (2008) Economics, Eight Edition. United States: Pearson Education Published by Addison-Wesley, Inc. Paul Krugman, Robin Wells (2010), Microeconomics, Second Edition, United States: W H Freeman Co.
Monday, July 22, 2019
The Major Factors That Led Rome and the Hellenistic Kingdom to Clash Essay Example for Free
The Major Factors That Led Rome and the Hellenistic Kingdom to Clash Essay 6. What were the major factors that led to clashes between Rome and the Hellenistic kingdoms, down to 146 B.C.? Can one decide what proportion of the responsibility for these clashes belongs to Rome, to the Hellenistic great powers (the Antigonids, Seleucids and Ptolemies) and to the minor players? This essay will what were the major factors that led to clashes between Rome and the Hellenistic kingdom, down to 146 B.C. A brief history of Rome’s increasing involvement in the Hellenistic area starting with its wars with Hannibal of Carthage and how the Hellenistic Kingdoms of Antigonids, the Seleucids and the Ptolemies and several other minor powers in the area came to be after the death of Alexander. The essay will focus on the factors that the writer believes contributed to the clashes. These being, Philips alliance with Hannibal and the Carthaginian empire, the results of ambassadors from Rhodes and Pergamum being received in Rome and telling of an appending alliance between Philip of Macedon and Antiochus of the Seleucids Kingdom, the third factor is that Rome was simply coming to the aid of its ‘friends’, various smaller powers in the area with which it had formed alliances. The essay will then focus on to whom the responsibility for the clashes between Rome and the Hellenistic Kingdoms lies with and what proportion of responsibility can apportioned to each party. This will focus on the major players of the Hellenistic Kingdoms, the Antigonids, Seleucids and Ptolemies and other smaller players. After the death of Alexander in 323B.C. the empire which he had created began to be broken up into different kingdoms and satraps amid bitter infighting by his generals, including Ptolemy, Cassander, Antigonus, Parmenion and Seleucus. â€Å"the ultimate fragmentation of Alexander’s empire was likelihood from the start, and the history of the following generation was to see the emergence of several separate kingdoms and dynasties out of his once unified empire.†Out of these generals three emerged to take control of large pieces of Alexander’s empire, these were, Ptolemy, Antigonus and Seleucus. Ptolemy Soter had campaigned with Alexander from the beginning and had gained Alexanders trust, and had become one of his personal bodyguards as well as one of Alexander’s generals. After Alexanders death Ptolemy was given the satrapy of Egypt and soon used his new found authority to start claiming some of the surrounding areas, including, the region around Cyrene. His first challenge to the authority of the other satrapies and kingdoms was the claiming of Alexanders remains as his funeral procession toured through his empire. Ptolemy later won the lands of Palestine and Cyprus to further secure Egypt’s borders. The Ptolemy dynasty lasted many centuries until it also came under Roman rule. Antigonus was another one of Alexander’s successors and created the Antigonid dynasty which was to rule Macedonia and parts of Greece. Antigonus had ambitions to recreate Alexanders empire and this was recognized by the other successors who formed an alliance against him, that was fought over many battle but reached no real conclusion, but prevented him from expanding his kingdom any further. Antigonus was constantly under attack from all sides and finally fell in battle and his kingdom now came under the control of his son. Seleucus was another of Alexanders general and after his death was given the satrapy of Babylonia and after first being ou sted by Antigonus, he fled to Egypt to seek refuge with Ptolemy, after a number of years in Egypt, Seleucus returned to take over much of Persia. The lands that he had gained were ethnically diverse and used different parts of each culture to administer his lands. Seleucus managed to gain back much of Alexander’s former empire until he was assassinated and his son took over his leadership. These three successors of Alexander along with the more minor satrap of Lysimachus and Cassander inherited an empire but through almost constant warfare between themselves were not able to resurrect Alexander’s empire either singularly or as an alliance. The three main successors forged dynasties that lasted a couple of centuries until they all were defeated or came under the sway of Rome. Rome fought three wars with Carthage called the Punic wars, these wars were fought between 264B.C. and 146B.C. (First 264-241B.C., Second 218-202B.C., Third 149-146B.C.) The first two Punic wars were essentially defensive wars for Rome especially the second where Hannibal in command of the Carthaginian forces crossed the Alps and attacked mainland Italy, the Romans were able to repel Hannibal and his army, Hannibal was eventually defeated by the famous General Publius Cornelius Scipio and pushed back to North Africa and Carthage. The second war reduced Carthage to nothing but a city state, but Rome still feared that Carthage could rise once again to its former military might and with the third Punic war; Rome razed Carthage to the ground, slaughtering or enslaving its inhabitants. â€Å"At the sight of the city utterly perishing amidst the flames Scipio burst into tears, and stood long reflecting on the inevitable change which awaits cities, nations, and dynasties.†Rome and the Hellenistic kingdoms fought four wars called the Macedonian wars between 215B.C. and 146B.C. and wars signalled the first clashes between Rome and the Hellenistic kingdoms. The first Macedonian war was fought between Rome and Philip V of Macedon of the Antigonid kingdom and was brought about as a cause of revenge. In 216B.C. Philip V thought that with Hannibal’s continuous victories over the Roman forces that the Italian peninsula would fall and that the time was right to form an alliance with Hannibal, with the ambition of expanding his own domains. This was a war that Rome did not want to be involved in as they were already stretched militarily in their fight against Carthage, and sent only a small force to deal with Philip V and the Macedon kingdom. According to Livy, Rome made an alliance with the Aetolians to fight against Philip V and sent a larger force to wage war, but on arriving found the Aetolians had made peace with Philip V and it was easier for Rome to seek peace with Philip V than fight alone, and thus the first Macedonian war ended. The Second Macedonian was fought between 200-196B.C. and was started after an apparent secret deal between Philip V of Macedon and Antiochus III of the Seleucid kingdom to attack and divide up the Egyptian kingdom under Ptolemy rule. Ambassadors from Rhodes and Pergamum had sent diplomatic missions to Rome with these reports with the intent of gaining Roman support against Philip V and the threats he posed to their kingdoms. Philip’s aggression towards the Greek city states, some who had alliances with Rome, caused Rome to issue an ultimatum to Philip, to remove his forces back into Macedon, Philip refused and on the pretext of helping its ‘friends’ Rome started t mov e its forces against Macedon. It is possible that Rome also feared if Philip and Antiochus gained further footholds in the Eastern Mediterranean, they could at some point threaten Italy, also of note is the ambition of Roman commanders to gain personal advancement and public prestige through the triumphs of winning wars. Philip was defeated in the battle of Cynoscephalae in 196B.C. and was forced to give up all territories outside of Macedonia and become an ally of Rome. At this point Rome proclaimed that all Greek was ‘free’ and essentially Greece came under Rome’s political and military sway. ‘The Senate of the Romans and Titus Quibctius the proconsul having defeated king Philip and the Macedonians in war, allow (Greece) to be free, ungarrisoned, not subject to tribute and using their ancestral laws.†In 192B.C. Antiochus III invaded Greece seemingly at the request of some Greek states to liberate Greece from the Roman’s, Antiochus found little support in Greece for his en deavours, for many of the Greek states had regained independence after the Roman occupation and had no desire to be ruled over by another king. Rome retaliated and Antiochus was defeated in battles at Thermopylae, Myonnesos and Magnesia-by-Sipylos, these were crushing defeats and forced Antiochus back to Syria and what was left of the Seleucid kingdom and thrust Rome deeper into the affairs of the region. The third Macedonian war fought between 172-167B.C. and was caused by accusation by King Eumenes of Pergamum of Macedonian violations of its territory and an assassination attempt on Eumenes that were both attributed to king Perseus, who had now taken the throne after the death of his father. Perseus tried diplomatic negotiations with Rome who had an alliance with Pergamum, but these only served to give Rome more time to prepare an invasion force. Perseus managed to win a few minor battles, but was crushed in the battle Pydna in 168B.C. and this signalled the ended of the Antigonid kingdom as it was split up into four republics by Rome. In the period between 168-146B.C. Rome consolidated its power in the region with calling on Antiochus to withdraw his troops from Egypt and further decimated the Seleucid kingdom by burning its ships and hamstringing its elephants which effectively brought an end to any resistance. The so-called forth Macedonian war consisted of local anti-Roman uprisings and invasion from Thrace in 149B.C. by Andriscus who managed to defeats the Macedonian resistance crowned himself Philip VI, but his reign was short-lived and after being handed over to the Romans in 146B.C., Macedon was made a Roman province, thus signalling the end of the Antigonid kingdom. To attribute a proportion of responsibility for the clashes between Rome and the Hellenistic kingdoms cannot be clearly defined as both parties during this era had ideas of expansion and each conflict could potentially be blamed on the other party. An example of this is the second Macedonian war where the responsibility could be split because Philip had been moving forward in taking land off the Greek city states, while Rhodes and Pergamum had been trying to entice the Romans to attack Philip through sending ambassadors to Rome with their grievances and it could be argued that the senators and commanders in Rome wanted to attack Philip for reasons of personal advancement and prestige. Whilst in many of the other wars Rome could be seen as the aggressor as their seemed to very little provocation or reasoning in some of their attacks, shown by the third Macedonian war. In conclusion this essay has given a history of Roman military movements up until their entry into the Hellenistic realms, along with histories of the major Hellenistic kingdoms and how they ended up clashing with Rome. The major factors which led to these clashes have been identified along with what proportion of responsibility should be given to each party for the clashes. It is possible that the downfall of the Hellenistic kingdoms was inevitable and it was only a matter of time before Rome conquered them all. â€Å"the Romans in less than fifty-three years have succeeded in subjecting nearly the whole inhabit ted world to their sole governmentâ€â€a unique thing in history?†Bibliography: Austin M.M. The Hellenistic World: From Alexander to the Roman Conquest. 2nd Ed Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 2006 Balsdon, J. P. V. D. Rome and Macedon, 205-200 B.C. Journal of Roman Studies , 44: , 1954 Billows. R.A.. Antigonos the One-Eyed and the Creation of the Hellenistic State. University of California Press, Berkley. 1990 Dorey T.A. Rome Against Carthage. Seeker and Warburg, London, 1971. Great Lives from History: The Ancient World, Salem Press, 2004 Gruen. E.S. Rome and the Seleucids in the aftermath of Pydna Chiron, 6, 1976 Livy The History of Rome trans. Rev. C. Roberts, EP Dutton and Co. New York. 1912 McDonald A.H. Rome and Greece 196-146 B.C. Auckland University Press. 1970 Polybius The Histories of Polybius, trans. Evelyn S. Shuckburgh, Macmillan, London, 1889 Shipley. G The Greek World: After Alexander 323-30B.C. Routledge, London 2000 Walbank F.W. The causes of the Third Macedonian War: recent views The in Ancient Macedonia II: Papers Read at the Second Inte rnational Symposium Held in Thessaloniki, 1973 , Metsakes, K. , 1977 [ 1 ]. M.M. Austin The Hellenistic World: From Alexander to the Roman Conquest 2nd Ed Cambridge University Press Cambridge. 2006 pp. 63 [ 2 ]. Great Lives from History: The Ancient World, Salem Press, 2004 pp 25-28 [ 3 ]. Billows. R.A. Antigonos the One-Eyed and the Creation of the Hellenistic State. University of California Press, Berkley. 1990 [ 4 ]. G. Shipley The Greek World: After Alexander 323-30B.C. Routledge, London 2000 pp. 286-287 [ 5 ]. T.A. Dorey Rome Against Carthage Seeker and Warburg, London, 1971. Pp.37-51 [ 6 ]. Polybius 39.51The Histories of Polybius, trans. Evelyn S. Shuckburgh, London Macmillan, 1889 [ 7 ]. J.P.V.D. Balsdon Rome and Macedon, 205-200 B.C. Journal of Roman Studies , 44: , 1954 pp:31-33 [ 8 ]. Livy 31.1-31.4 The History of Rome trans. Rev. C. Roberts, EP Dutton and Co. New York. 1912 [ 9 ]. Livy 31.2 The History of Rome [ 10 ]. G. Shipley The Greek World: After Alexander 323-30B.C. pp:374-375 [ 11 ]. A.H. McDonald. Rome and Greece 196-146 B.C. Auckland University Press. 1970, 113-114 [ 12 ]. Polybius 18.46 The Histories of Polybius [ 13 ]. Livy 37.41-37.45 The History of Rome [ 14 ]. F.W. Walbank The causes of the Third Macedonian War: recent views The in Ancient Macedonia II: Papers Read at the Second International Symposium Held in Thessaloniki, 1973 , Metsakes, K. , 1977 pp. 84-86 [ 15 ]. E.S. Gruen. Rome and the Seleucids in the aftermath of Pydna Chiron, 6, 1976 pp. 74 [ 16 ]. Polybius 1.1 The Histories of Polybius
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Factors that Influence Police Discretion
Factors that Influence Police Discretion 1) What is discretion? Name and describe the factors that may influence an individual officers discretion in making decisions involving a criminal suspect. (6 pts) Discretion is the exercise of choice by law enforcement officers in the decision to investigate or apprehend the disposition of suspects, the carrying out of official duties, and the application of sanctions. The cops have the power to decide whether to act depending on the judgment they feel they must make. In some situations certain people are not handled as strictly as others (an example would be if someone was to get pulled over for speeding and they get a ticket for something else). Studies of police discretion have found that a number of factors influence the discretionary decisions of the individual officers: 1. The Background of the officers Law enforcement officers bring to the job all their previous life experiences. Family values such as socialization through the family as well as attitudes that influence the decision of the officer. If an officer has learned prejudice against certain ethnic groups for example, this is likely to influence the decision an officer will make. 2. Characteristics of the suspect Demeanor, style of dress and grooming may influence police discretion. Poorly groomed suspects can expect less respectful treatment. Some officers treat men and woman differently. Very rarely will an officer arrest a woman. Another characteristic would be the personal style of the individual or group. Examples would be bikers attire or people with outlandish haircuts are more likely to be arrested than someone with a professional haircut. 3. Department Policy- This is not entirely subject to control by official policy, but can influence it. If a department has targeted certain kinds of offenses or if supervisors adhere to strict enforcement guidelines and closely monitor dispatches and other communications, the discretionary release of suspects will be quite rare. 4. Community Interest- Public attitudes toward certain crimes will increase the likelihood of arrest for suspected offenders. Contemporary attitudes toward crimes involving children- including sex abuse, sale of drugs to minors, domestic violence involving children and child pornography- have all lead to increased and strict enforcement of laws. Once the community has voiced its concern over the problem, the police respond with a series of highly effective arrests. The departments that require a police officer to live in the area that he/she patrols make them more aware of the effects of crime on the community and they respond better than a person who doesnt live in their district. 5. Pressure from Victims- When victims refuse to file a complaint are usually associated with certain crimes such as spousal abuse. When victims refuse to cooperate with the police, there is often little that can be done. On the other hand, some victims are local in insisting in the victimization and can easily be dealt with. Victim-assistance groups have sought to keep pressure on police departments and individual instigators to ensure the arrest and prosecution of suspects. 6. Disagreement with the law- Some laws lack an unpopular consensus. Some of the laws that deal with victimless offenses are gambling, homosexuality, lesbianism, prostitution and drug use. Some laws are not even in certain jurisdictions. Unpopular laws are not likely to bring much attention from law enforcement officers. If an arrest were to occur, it could be because an officer digs deeper into his/her investigation and reveals something more serious about the crime. 2) Name and describe the four historical eras of policing as discussed in the book. (4 pts) The four historical eras (epochs), are distinguishable by the relative dominance of a particular approach to police operations. They are the political era, reform era, the community policing era, and the homeland security era. 1. Political Era The first period, the political era, was characterized by close ties between police and public officials. It began in 1840 and ended around 1930s. Throughout the period, American police agencies tended to serve the interest of powerful politicians first, and providing public-order services almost as an afterthought. 2. Reform Era- The second period, the reform ear, began in the 1930s and lasted until the 1970s. It was characterized by pride in professional crime fighting. Police departments focused more on solving traditional crimes, such as murder, rape, burglary, and focusing on capturing offenders. 3. The Community Policing Era The third period, and the one that characterizes much of policing in America today, is the community policing era. This era started in the 1970s and is still present today. This was an approach to policing that stresses the service role of police officers and envisions a partnership between police agencies and their communities. Agencies focused on the service role of police officers. 4. Policing to Secure the Homeland Era The fourth period, policing to secure the homeland era, is quite new and continues to evolve. This era grew with national concerns with terrorism prevention born of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In this era agencies focused on causes of crime outside of the immediate community (country). 3) What are the dangers of police work? What can be done to reduce those dangers? (5 pts) Some dangers of police work include: violence in the line of duty, risk of disease and infected evidence, and stress and fatigue among police officers. 1. Violence in the line of duty In 2007, 188 American law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty. These officers were kind-hearted, and laid back, and well liked in the community. 2. Risk of disease and infected evidence -Routine criminal and accident investigations hold the potential for infection through transmission of evidence. 3. Stress and fatigue among police officers Traumatic events, like hurricanes, terrorist attacks, and violent confrontations are instantly stressful. These can affect police officers long term. Diet and exercise can decrease stress and fatigue, along with getting more sleep and taking care of their body. 4) What ethnic and gender differences characterize policing today? What is the social significance of this diversity? (5 pts) Today many departments have dramatically increased their complement of officers from unrepresented groups. There are not as many African American officers or other ethnic officers compared to white (Caucasian) officers in the field. Although ethnic minorities are now employed in policing in significant numbers, women are still significantly underrepresented. The 2001 Status of woman in policing survey conducted that woman fill only 12.7% of all sworn law enforcement positions nationwide The social significance of this diversity is that woman and African Americans and other ethnic groups will actually benefit the policing departments making them better, well-rounded officers, it would help the discrimination of particular ethnic or sexual groups. 5) Be able to explain the ruling of each of the following cases and what area of policing the ruling affected (ex: search and seizure, arrest, interrogation, etc) (10 pts) A) Mapp v. Ohio (1961) b) Aguilar v. TX (1964) c) Escobedo v. IL (1964) d) Miranda v. AZ (1966) e) Harris v. US (1968) f) Weeks v. US (1914) g) US v. Leon (1984) h) US v. Borchardt (1987) i) Kyllo v. US (2001) j) US v. Grubbs (2006) A. Mapp V. Ohio (1961) This case was decided to change the face of American law enforcement forever, made the exclusionary rule applicable to criminal prosecutions at the same level beginning with the now- famous Mapp case; the Warren Court charted a course that would guarantee nationwide recognition of individual rights as it understood them, by agencies at all levels of the criminal justice system. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) B. Aguilar V. TX (1964) -The case of paid informants. The case of Aguilar v. Texas clarified the use of informants and established a two-pronged test. The US court ruled that informant information could establish probable cause if both of the following criteria are met. 1. The source of the informants information is made clear, and 2. The police officer has a reasonable belief that the informant is reliable. The two-pronged test was intended to prevent the issuance of warrants on the basis of false or fabricated info. (Schmallenger, Frank, 2010). (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) C. Escobedo v. IL (1964) -In the case of Escobedo vs. Illinois, the right to have legal counsel present during police interrogation was recognized. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Interrogation) D. Miranda v AZ (1966) -This case established the well-known Miranda Warnings. In this case involving Enesto Miranda, who was arrested in Phoenix, Arizona, and was accused of having kidnapped and raped a woman. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Interrogation) E. Harris v US (1968) Police officers have the opportunity to begin investigations or to confiscate evidence, without a warrant based on what they find in plain-view and open to public inspection. The plan-view doctrine was succinctly stated in the US Supreme court case of Harris v. US. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) F. Weeks v US (1914) Freemont Weeks was suspected of using US mail to sell lottery tickets, which is a federal crime. Weeks was arrested and feral agents went into his home to conduct a search. They had no search warrant. They confiscated many items for evidence as well as the suspects personal possessions, including clothes, books, papers, and even candy. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) G. US v Leon (1984) In the 1984 case of US v Leon, the court recognized what has come to be called the good-faith exception to the exclusionary rule. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) H. US v Borchardt (1987) The case of Us v. Borchardt, decided by the 5th circuit court of Appeals, held that Ira Eugene Borchardt could be prosecuted for heroin uncovered during medical treatment, even though the defendant had objected to the treatment. Because of this case guidelines for conducting emergency warrantless searches of individuals came into effect, and in order to use evidence against an offender in a warrantless search certain criteria has to be met. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Arrest) I. Kyllo v Us (2001) This case set the standard on how technology can be used to the police based on the results of a warrantless search conducted by officers using a thermal-imaging device to detect if his housing was giving off more heat than the other houses, investigators applied for a search warrant for Kyllos home. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Arrest) J. US v Grubbs (2006) -The constitutionality of Anticipatory warrants was affirmed in 2006, in the US Supreme court Case of US v. Grubbs.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Attitude Toward Warfare in Beowulf :: Anglo Saxon English Literature Essays
Attitude Toward Warfare in Beowulf Many historians and authors, such as Tacitus, described Anglo-Saxon England as a region dominated by warlike, belligerent tribes of Germanic descent. These people constantly fought for territories and treasures, which they possessed or wished to acquire. It was the duty of a king or a lord to acquire jewels and armor for his people and that was how he kept his kinsmen loyal to him. In the legendary epic poem, Beowulf, these traits of Anglo-Saxon culture are clearly defined. The character of Beowulf is a true representative of Anglo-Saxon culture. First, Beowulf performs his duties as a kinsman to his uncle, Hygelac, with loyalty and dedication. Further, a reader witnesses Beowulf acting as a lord to his people, acquiring land and treasures for them. Moreover, the attitude of unknown narrator of the poem reflects his support and approval of the culture described in Beowulf. The epic, Beowulf, begins with the funeral of Shield Sheafson, the originator of the Danish people. Shield Sheafson is described as a "scourge of many tribes, a wrecker of mead-benches, rampaging among foes" (lines 4-5). Obviously, this ring-giver has led an aggressive and violent life. He has terrorized his neighbors and rival tribes, destroyed their mead-halls or gathering places, and in addition, made them pay tribute. Therefore, while the king was alive, his tribe was protected from enemies, fed, clothed and enjoyed the treasures which their lord acquired for them. The author of the epic shows his approval of this culture and its attributes by saying that Shield Sheafson "was one good king" (line 10). Kinship was one of the main aspects of Anglo-Saxon England - a lord led his men in fyrd (journey or expedition) against enemies, acquired treasures for them and protected his tribe and in return for all that, his kinsmen were loyal to him and followed their lord in battles. People w ere not identified on a demographic basis, but by their belonging to a particular king or a ring-giver. Furthermore, the idea of kinship is demonstrated in other parts of the epic. When Beowulf is described preparing to fight the dragon, his last battle, Wiglaf follows Beowulf, his lord, into the fray. Wiglaf remains by Beowulf's side until the hero's death, although the rest of Beowulf's warriors disappear with the first sight of the dragon. Wiglaf demonstrates his loyalty not to his country or to his tribe, but particularly to his lord, Beowulf:
Working Women, the Government, and Politics Essay -- Political Science
Working Women, the Government, and Politics Working women in America are in a difficult and complex state. Women in the workforce are encouraged to compete "like men," which conflicts with the demand for their time during "the second shift". Complete dedication is expected both in the workplace and in the home, and little support is provided by the opposite sex and the government. If the government acquired a larger responsibility for working families, it could implement several policies that have already proven to alleviate the burden on working women and promote gender equality in other industrialized nations. In recent decades, there has been a visible influx of women in the workforce-many of whom are also mothers. In 1975, forty-seven percent of all American mothers with children under the age eighteen worked for pay, and by the year 2000, this number climbed to seventy-three percent. However, the largest jump in employment occurred in women with very small children; in 1975 thirty-four percent of mothers with children age three and under were employed outside the home, and in 2000, this rate grew to sixty-one percent (Hochschild, XXIV). This growth in numbers can be explained by several factors, but the most substantial is that, in most families, a wife's salary is no longer an option. Even though women may be sharing the financial burden with their spouses, men have not taken the same steps to share the domestic burden with their partners. This is what accounts for a women's "second shift." Women are expected to fulfill the demands of work and home on their own time. The household chores take a toll on working women with or without children. The hours married women spend performing domestic tasks, hours most men ... ... such policies, women cannot pursue their right to earn a living in the same way a man could. Earning a living is not a "benefit," equal opportunity for employment is not a "benefit"- but a "right." In our capitalist culture, "the one right of paramount importance to all human beings" is the right to earn a living, and in accordance with the law, any obstruction to a fundamental right must be remedied by the government (Woolf, 101). Works Cited Blair-Loy, Mary. Competing Devotions: Career and Family among Women Executives. (Massachusetts: Harvard UP) 2003. Gornick, Janet C. and Marcia K. Meyers. Families That Work: Policies for Reconciling Parenthood and Employment. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation) 2003. Hochschild Russell, Arlie. The Second Shift. (New York: Penguin Group) 2003. Woolf, Virginia. Three Guineas. (New York: Harcourt, Inc.) 1938.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Pip in Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essay example -- Great Expec
Pip in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations After reading the compelling ‘Great Expectations’ by the famous writer Charles Dickens, I can gather that it is based upon his own psychological insight to life. He makes connections in relation to a specific character or event in the storyline, which were critical in his own expectations. Also Dickens moulds his selection of characters very well into the desired settings he’d created, that matched what he knew only too well throughout his childhood. ‘Great Expectations’ not only satires the issues of Victorian society, yet centres on the rites of passage that marks an important change in a person’s life. Dickens’ issue of contentment is something that concerns many human beings; this is what Pip wants most. However he never really accomplishes this until the closing stages of the book. So what exactly is contentment? The dictionary defines it as a ‘peace of mind’, where the person is ‘satisfied with things as they are.’ Therefore contentment means to be happy and in Pip’s case, happy with his life. The purpose of ‘Great Expectations’ is how contentment is achieved, with it being linked to Jeremy Bentham’s answer of this. Bentham was a well-known philosopher and he said: ‘humans strive to achieve self-fulfilment through the seeking of pleasure and the avoidance of pain.’ Dickens relates this to Pip, in the sense that Pip wants to become a gentleman, who need not work and who can avoid the certain stresses of life. Dickens’ early life is reflected by his main character in the novel. Through Pip, he presents a young and innocent boy, who changes his aspirations whilst growing up. Pip is often indirected by the themes of identity, love, money and class when ... ...elates Pip’s struggles to the ones he faced in his own life, in order to achieve contentment such as family problems, debt and education. Problems like these are overcome by sticking to a moral set of values, dispelling all the materialistic values which in the end leave a person unhappy. There is a clear message in the novel that the best way to achieve contentment is to live your life and learn from the positive and negative experiences of it. You must listen to the people who are close to you and their advice that they give, because this was one of Pip’s downfalls. Even though ‘Great Expectations’ was written almost two centuries ago; we as readers know how to achieve contentment with our own lives, by controlling and getting rid of our fantasies and phobias whilst being aware that wealth and higher class doesn’t necessarily mean a better way of life.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Pre 1914 Prose Study Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein†Essay
 He nearly succeeds in catching it at the North Pole where Captain Walton rescues him. Exhausted he die and Frankenstein’s monster vows to kill himself before disappearing into the â€Å"distance and darkness†. Chapter five begins with Victor Frankenstein revulsion of the monster he has created and Shelley describes the creature’s vile features that shriek terror into the reader alone. In revolt Victor leaves the room at the very disgust of what he was brought into this world and attempts to gain his precious â€Å"sanctuary of sleep†. While he sleeps he dreams of seeing Elizabeth his one love, however as he plants his first kiss on her lips her features change and he appears to eventually hold the dead corpse of his dead mother. He wakes up to find the monster by his bedside peering at him and in anguish runs out of his rented apartment and through the town with paranoid strides fearing he will see the monster at every turn. He finds refuge in the courtyard while lost in his daydreams of the monstrosity he has created, he notices his good friend Clerval and brings him to his accommodation before he has time to think properly. When he reaches his apartment he Is overjoyed that the monster is no longer in the vicinity and welcomes Clerval into his rented home. Dr Frankenstein’s content emotions are quickly destroyed as he imagines seeing the monster lurching for him and breaks down to a fit. Clerval worries for his friends health and nurses him back to health after witnessing Victors fluctuating emotions. Shelley was part of the romantic novelist of the earlier 19th century, who like Shelley used Gothic elements to add provoke terror in a reader. Descriptions such as â€Å"Corpse of my dead mother in my arms†and †Shrivelled complexions all are examples of gothic elements, though the more mysterious and alluding comments such as â€Å"I saw the dull eye of the creature†give the impression this creature isn’t alive and that it is an inanimate object been brought to life through personification elaborated descriptions full of eccentric adverbs. Shelley was a naturally beautiful writer who could conjure sentences as if they flowed from a river of her knowledge. She uses great amounts of writing styles inspired probably from the intellectuals she grew up around. There is a great contrast in sentence length with short lines such as â€Å"How ill you are†and sentences that contain over fifty words for instance; â€Å"I took refuge in the courtyard belonging to the which I inhabited; where I remained during the rest of the night, walking up and down in the greatest agitation, listening attentively, catching and fearing each sound as if it were to announce the approach the demonical corpse to which I had so miserably given life†. Repetition is also a trait of Shelley’s writing style; â€Å"Save me, save me†and â€Å"Dear, dear friends†are both examples of repetition. The use of her adjectives stipulate her close use of gothic rudiments with dark and mystifying words such as â€Å"Dreary†, â€Å"Miserably†and â€Å"Hideous†, yet also her choice of colour reflect on her gothic style such as â€Å"dull yellow†. Another topic to indulge in is Shelley’s use of contrast in a variety of elements. Colour is again is used in contrast for gothic descriptions such as â€Å"Lustrous Black†and â€Å"Pearly White†a common metaphor. The actual pace of the narrative is not an unexpected contrast to build tension and fear, and is commonly used in all sorts of genres and mediums, like songs and television. This practice can be used to build many emotions from love to action yet works just as well if not the best with fear. She uses a contrast of dream and reality this could be because her original idea for the plot came to her in a dream. Yet, however it seems in either the sub consciousness or actual consciousness it is always a horrific period. Finally a contrast in emotions is very blatant such as joy, revulsion and terror all blend together with Frankenstein’s original image of a beautiful creation to its consequential repulsiveness. This brings me to my final point of Mary Shelley’s use of fluctuating emotions to provoke the sense of fear in the reader. Frankenstein expects a beautiful creature to be born of his labour, yet is shocked when he unveils his creation for the first time †How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe†. Horror soon sets in at the monstrosity and almost failure of his dream sets in â€Å"But now that I have I have finished the beauty of the dream of the dream has vanished and breathless horror and disgust fill my heart†. This quickly turns to frightened †I did not dare return to the apartment†, again his emotions fluctuate to a paranoid loneliness â€Å"Like one when on a lonely road, Doth walk in fear†and finally a huge contrast for the previous emotions to happiness †I felt suddenly†¦ calm and serene joy†. Shelley fluctuates Frankenstein’s emotions so rapidly is almost becomes difficult to follow them, yet perhaps this is the desired effect as the confusion only adds the horror you are reading. To conclude, Mary Shelley one of the greatest female novelist of her time if not history efficiently and captivatingly uses techniques, which are still used today in writing. They are not restricted to but she certainly chooses over others mainly are predominately gothic elements; common of early 19th century â€Å"romance†authors. She also makes use of the fluctuating emotions, contrast and language as I have described in earlier paragraphs. Benjamin Semens Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Merchant of Venice Assesment Essay
In this assessment I leave behind collapse Shakespeares subroutine of language, structure and salient techniques to present the relationship surrounded by usurer and the Christians at different points of the play. I willing first look at mold 1 panorama 3, where we learn that loan shark has suffered mercilessly at the hands of the Christians and in a flash harbors an al approximately sadistic hatred towards them. This discount be evidence by moneylenders rumor to Antonio. Yougabardine,. This statement allows the auditory sense to gain an understanding of usurers feelings and hatred towards Antonio. However, what is fascinating about this paraphrase is Shakespeares use of the intelligence comeivitys you and get behind. This is because, although moneylender and Antonio perplex never met before, moneylenders use of the word you suggests otherwise.The suit behind Shakespeares use of ain and direct language is to allow the sense of hearing to imagine Antonio as the embodiment of Christianity. Thus, allow the Elizabethan reference know that shylocks feelings of hatred is actually aimed towards the Christians and whence the Elizabethan audience themselves, therefore causing further resent and prejudice towards usurers character. While the use of the word dog, which is repeated throughout the play, non only symbolises that the Christians see Shylock as beneath them and will never be their equal. But overly reinforces, through the use of repetition, that Shylock is seen as an infestation to the Elizabethan society, which in turn adds to Shylocks humiliation and determination for penalise.However, due to his companion equal ranking Shylock must(prenominal) consciously recognise his position of inferiority and must also treat the Christians with a, one sided, enjoy, disrespect his affluent position. Shakespeare manages to show this involuntary respect from Shylock to Antonio by structuring the dialog between these two main characters in poetry. moreover the level of hatred that Shylocks possesses towards the Christians can be evidence from Shylocks aside speech to the audience. If strike him. The ancient grudge in this baptistry being that Antonio is a Christian. This aside statement not only strengthens the idea that the common disdain between Shylock and the Christian is religious in nature, but also Shylocks obsessive claim for revenge, a revenge he hopes to hit through Antonios bond.Because of this aside speech, virtually modern day audiences would be able to sympathise with Shylocks need for retribution. However, for an Elizabethan audience, Shylocks aside speech will have no sympathetic effect. alternatively it was a dramatic techniques used by Shakespeare to add further prejudice towards Shylocks character and to add comedic judge to the play. In Act 3 Scene 1, we see the seriousness of Shylocks sadistic nature when he discovers that Antonio cannot run into his bond. Arguing that his obsession for re venge is practiced and he is entitled to revenge, in the said(prenominal) way that any Christian would. hath..?, If..revengeThis iconic speech uses a number of coaxing techniques to justify Shylocks feelings and need for retribution. First let out Shakespeares use of rhetorical questions in quick succession. This technique causes the audience to think, accede and actually sympathise with Shylock line of reasoning to some extent. This agreement is then reinforced, through the use of imagery, allowing the audience to gain a better understanding of Shylocks feeling and emotions. Thus cause the audience to realise some of the prejudice that is before long present towards the Jewish companionship.In death Shakespeare has used a variety of techniques and forms of languages to effectively highlight the prejudice towards the Jewish community during the Elizabethan period. In the two act that I mentioned it is clear that Shylocks feels he deserve justice through personal revenge an d that he is not respected in the society, due to the Christians arrogant and prejudice vies towards his people. Although most of use might not morally agree with Shylocks turn up in seeking retribution, there is no denying that the language used by Shakespeare is a strong reminder of what persecution can have on an individual.
Organizational Culture: the Case of Turkish Construction Industry Essay
The current issue and full textual matter archive of this journal is available at nicety the case of Turkish building effort Ela Oney-Yazc, Heye lowside Giritli, Gulfer Topcu-Oraz and Emrah Acar Department of Architecture, Division of Project and complex body part solicitude, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey AbstractPurpose The crucial stimulus of this story is to realise the ethnic masterle of construction plaques at bottom the context of Turkish construction manucircumstanceure. Design/methodology/approach This get wind is a part of a cross-ethnical enquiry, initiated by CIB W112 (Working Commission W112 of the Inter study Council for enquiry and Innovation in Building and twisting), concurrently ongoing in 15 antithetic countries. Data were collected from 107 undertake and 27 architectural rms, by means of a questionnaire establish on OCAI (organisational finishing Assessment Instrument), a tumesce-known(a) and widely apply measurement dick positive by Cameron and Quinn (1999).Findings The ndings show that the Turkish construction industry has been dominated by rms with a mixture of federation of tribes and pecking order conclusions. In addition, the analysis reported hither indicates cultural differences at organisational level in terms of rm type, size, and age. Originality/value This paper contributes to the perceptiveness of organisational shade in the construction industry by providing empirical evidence from the Turkish construction industry. As future research direction, it highlights the need of a cross-cultural comparison among different countries, and an investigation of the effects of cultural proles of the organizational members on organizational flori finishing. Keywords organizational culture, Construction industry, Turkey Paper type seek paperTurkish construction industry 519 admittance Understanding of organizational culture is fundamen tal to examine what goes on in organizations, how to run them and how to improve them (Schein, 1992). Organizational culture is dened as the overlap assumptions, beliefs and normal behaviors (norms) pitch in anorganization. Most organizational scholars and observers recognize that organizational culture has a powerful effect on the performance and long-term effectiveness of organizations.Cameron and Quinn (1999) propose that what differentiates productive rms from others is their organizational culture. With the worldwide globalization trends, special concern has been given to the study of organizations and their cultures. Empirical studies of organizational culture contrive been carried out across various countries and industries (Hofstede, 1997 Trompenaars and Hampton-Turner, 1998 Cameron and Quinn, 1999 chink among others). In comparison on that point seems to be a limited number of published studies cerebrate The living for this study was provided by the Istanbul Techni cal University, Turkey and is gratefully acknowledged.After reviewing research on organizational culture, Ankrah and Langford (2005) scram concluded that there is a need to constrain more aw ar of the importance of this phenomenon and its impact on organizational performance in the construction industry. The main reasons for the ripening importance of the organizational culture can be explained by the internationalization of the construction markets (Low and Shi, 2001), and the illogical nature of the industry (Hillebrant, 2000). It is a well-known fact that international construction rms have faced legion(predicate) problems due to conicts, confrontations, misunderstandings, and the differences in ways of doing melodic line with other cultures (Gould and Joyce, 2000). On the other hand, the adversarial relations amongst different project participants ar assumed to be inuenced by the cultural orientations of the stakeholders (Phua and Rowlinson, 2003).Thus, the study of c ultural issues should be addressed when considering the globalization of construction markets. Additionally, it is a common belief that organizations that have real within similar environments usually have similar cultures and related mindsets with regard to ways of doing business. For this reason, the research reported in this paper, aims to contribute to an understanding of organizational culture in the construction industry using selective information from a developing country, such as Turkey, where there is no study in this eld.Findings of the study whitethorn to a fault have implications for other cultures with a similar make-up. priming coat study Despite different denitions of organizational culture, there is a consensus among organizational researchers that it refers to the shared meanings or assumptions, beliefs and understandings held by a root. More umbrellaly, Schein (1992) dened organizational culture as . . . a pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group le arned as it solved its problems of external edition and internal integration that has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems. Similarly, Deshpande and Webster (1989, p. 4) proposed that organizational culture is . . . the pattern of shared values and beliefs that help individuals understand organizational process and thus provide them with norms for behaviors in the organization.There is an lengthy body of knowledge in the literature that deals with organizational culture. Many researchers have proposed a variety of dimensions and attributes of organizational culture. Among them, Hofstede has been very inuential in studies of organizational culture. skeleton on a large sample of 116,000 employees of IBM in 72 countries, Hofstede identied quaternion dimensions of culture. These four dimensions used to differentiate between cultures are power distance, uncert ainness avoidance, masculinity/femininity and individualism/ fabianism. Beyond these, Hofstede (1997) overly identied the process/results oriented, employee/job oriented, parochial/ superior, outspoken/closed system, loose/tight get wind and normative/pragmatic dimensions of culture. These dimensions have been unremarkably adapted and utilize in studies of organizational culture(Sdergaard, 1996).Other comprehensive studies into organizational culture have been carried out, notably by Trompenaars and Hampton-Turner (1993), who conducted an extensive research into the attitudes of 15,000 managers over a ten-year stop consonant in 28 different countries. They proposed ve cultural dimensions (1) universalism/particularism (2) sovietism/individualism (3) neutral/affective relationships (4) diffuse/specic relationships and (5) achievement/ascription. When dealing with a multitude of dimensions, typologies are usually considered as an alternative to provide a simplied means of asses sing cultures. In this regard, typologies are commonly used in the studies of organizational culture. Notable contributors to these typologies accommodate ready to hand(p) (1993, 1995) who identied the club, role, task and person typologies, and Quinn (1988) who identied the market, pecking order, adhocracy and kin group typologies of culture.Since the culture is regarded as a important factor in the long-term effectiveness of organizations, it becomes important to be able to measure organizational culture. jibely, a range of tools designed to measure organizational culture have been developed and utilise in industrial, educational, and wellness care settings over the last two decades. all told these tools examine employee perceptions and opinions about their working environment (the so-called climate of an organization) but only a few, such as the Competing determine Framework and the Organizational socialization Inventory (OCI), try to examine the values and beliefs that declare those views (Scott et al., 2003). The majority of the existing studies in the Construction Management eld for the most part attempt to appropriate the speculative models and measurement tools of the management literature.For instance, Maloney and Federle (1991, 1993) introduced the competing values textile for analyzing the cultural elements in American engineering and construction organizations. focalization on the relationship between the organizational culture and effectiveness, Zhang and Liu (2006) examined the organizational culture proles of construction enterprises in China by means of OCI and Organizational finale Assessment Instrument (OCAI), the measurement tool of the Competing Values Framework developed by Cameron and Quinn (1999). Rowlinson (2001), using Handys organizational culture and Hofstedes national culture frameworks, investigated the cultural aspects oforganizational change in the construction industry.Ankrah and Langford (2005) proposed a new me asurement tool after analyzing all cultural dimensions and typologies developed in the literature and highlighted the cultural variability between organizations in the project coalition. Literature review shows that despite the growing importance of organizational culture in construction research, there are few cross-cultural, empirical studies. This may be due to the difculties of conducting research in several(prenominal) countries. The study reported in this paper forms a part of a cross-cultural research, initiated by CIB W112 on finishing in Construction, concurrently ongoing in 15 different countries. The aim of the research project is to develop an international Inventory of Culture in Construction. It continues to stimulate new participants from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and America.Research methodology Measurement of culture represents difculties, particularly in respect of the identication of cultural groups and boundaries. This is further complicated by the nature of the construction industry in which projects are temporary and participants are subject to the values and beliefs of their employing organization, professional groups and project organizations. There is an ongoing debate concerning the study of culture among construction management scholars. However, it is beyond the field of this paper to discuss the methodological aspects of studying culture in the construction industry. In order to be compatible with the studies conducted in other countries alive(p) in the CIB W112 research, Cameron and Quinns (1999) Competing Values Framework (CVF) as well as their measurement tool named Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) are select as the conceptual paradigm for analysis in this study.The CVF was to begin with proposed by Quinn and Rohrbaugh (1983) to understand organizational effectiveness, and was later applied to explore differentissues relative to organizations (Al-Khalifa and Aspinwall, 2001). The CVF is establish on two major dimensions. The rst dimension emphasizes the organizational way (internal versus external), whereas the second one distinguishes between the stability and control and the exibility and discretion. These two dimensions form four quadrants (see Figure 1), apiece(prenominal) representing a major type of organizational culture (1) clan (2) adhocracy (3) market and (4) hierarchy.Figure 1. The competing values frameworkTheoretically, these four cultural typologies exist simultaneously in all organizations therefore, archetypes may be used to attain the pattern of the organizational culture (Paperone, 2003). Sampling and data collection Unit of analysis for this study were the contracting and architectural rms operating in the Turkish Construction Industry. A number of 351 rms were contacted, and 134 of them participated in the study freehand a response rate of 38.18 per penny. The rms were selected by faultfinding(prenominal) sampling procedure. The judgment criteria used for selection were . pipeline of nationality, with emphasis on local rms . size found on number of employees, with emphasis placed on medium and large rms and . industry position based on market share, with the revolve about on the 12 largest rms.Sample consisted of a total of 826 respondents (74.9 per centime male, 25.1 per cent female) including both managerial and non-managerial professionals. The questionnaire comprised two parts. Part I included questions regarding the demographic characteristics of the rms and respondents, which are presented in control panel I. Although the analysis conducted in this study was at rm level, the characteristics of the respondents are also provided in Table I to reect a better prole Frequency Characteristics of the rms (N 134) Number of rms Contracting Architectural tauten age (years) ,15 16-25 .25 Size of rms (number of full-time employees) Small second-rate Large Characteristics of the respondents (N 826) Number of respondents Contr acting Architectural grammatical gender Female Male Age of respondents (years) 30 and under 31-40 41-50 51 and above Percentageof the sample. As is seen in Table I, contracting rms are representing the 79.9 per cent of the sampled organizations and 87.5 per cent of the respondents.For the purpose of this study, organizations with less than 50 employees were classied as small (46 per cent), those with 51- one hundred fifty as medium (28 per cent), and those with more than 150 as large (25 per cent). The contracting rms in the check into were generally medium and large-sized whereas the architectural rms were small in size. Searching for the cultural orientations of the rms, Part II was adopted from the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) developed by Cameron and Quinn (1999). OCAI consists of six different questions which are pertinent to the key dimensions of organizational culture (1) preponderant characteristics (2) organizational leadership (3) management of em ployees (4) organizational glue (5) strategic emphases and (6) criteria for success.Each question has four alternative statements representing different cultural orientations making a total of 24 questions. All respondents were asked to rate their organizations culture on a ve-point Likert scale. In this scoring system, for each of the ve response categories ( altogether true, mostly true, partly true, slightly true, never true) a tick of 1-5 was assigned, with the highest score of 5 being assigned to completely true. The overall cultural prole of an organization was then derived by calculating theaverage score of all respondents from the same rm. Reliability coefcients (Cronbach alpha) were calculated for each of the different culture types being assessed by the instrument.Coefcients were 0.89 for the clan and adhocracy cultures, and 0.86 for the market and hierarchy cultures, which indicate the rightfulness of all culture types. Results and discussion A cultural prole score for each organization was obtained by averaging the respondents rating for each cultural type across the six dimensions. This provided an index of the cultural orientation of sampled rms based on the four cultural types. The average scores for all the participating rms are shown in Table II. As is seen from the table, the sovereign culture of the sample is clan culture. Respondents identied hierarchy type as the next most dominant in their organizations.These predominant cultures were followed by adhocracy and market, respectively. The sampled rms tend to have values consistent with employee focus or clan culture and internal process or hierarchy culture. The values consistent with external orientation and results focus are emphasized to a lesser extent. This nding contributes to our understanding of the alignment between national and organizational cultures. According to Hofstedes (1980, 2001) model of national culture, Turkey has been draw as being high on the collectivism and pow er distance value dimensions. This suggests that organizational cultures in Turkish rms are characterized by both uneven (or hierarchical) and harmonious, family-like (clan) relationships.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Iklan Petronas
orbit Petronas as a man-sizedgest federation in Malaysia ar nearly cognise to Malayan battalion and when we mention some Petronas, normally mess ordain moot near crude, refineries, KLCC and galore(postnominal) more products of Petronas. thither argon galore(postnominal) ads involving Petronas in the market, such(prenominal) ar LPG bollocks publicizing, Petronas petroleum fuel, Petronas deluxe Prix and order 1. thither atomic number 18 some advertizings to promoting the products of Petronas alternatively of branding.On the in the buff-sprung(prenominal)-made(prenominal) hand, Petronas withal did the part due(p) their mixer somatic run whereby they agree do a genuine cordial move around with swelled elicit forgetful boob tube system rationalize on the mercantile advertizement on the television. in that respect argon some commercial message ads that cook through with(p) by Petronas on the television and they tiller the advert isement as a positive to them and go occur list to the fore move up proscribed during the certain(p) diaphragm of celebrations in Malaysia for exemplar on Hari Raya daylight, bailiwick day and early(a)(a) bailiwick celebration. on that point argon bidwise m both a(prenominal) genial advertisements released by the former(a) big come with like Petronas such as Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), PROTON, and Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM). However, Petronas advertisements atomic number 18 more showy and obey to take a leak an intrusion to the earshots. Its shows that advertisements ar very productive and practise to pay heed the wad stock ticker who are reflection on it. ace of the advertisement from Petronas that caught my enkindle was the advertisement roughly Burung Murai. This advertisement was released during Hari Raya celebration full point on 2007.THE STRENGTHS oecumenical Petronas advertisements al shipway been watching by the earreach and on that point already entertain a self-assurance on the Petronas advertisement. Petronas has attend to congeal on the listening minds that their advertisements are incomparable from the other with pass along bilgewater line, prepossessing ways of presenting the imagination, and moved(p) the sprightliness with the feelings of emotion. Petronas eternally come out with new inclination and do not inadequacy of evoke ideas. The idea was clean and example on environment makes them pleasing to any telescope of audience. unvarying with their advertisements and neer mixed-up to come out with new advertisement in each mavin celebration in Malaysia makes their advertisements are precious for their audience to get together the new one. pore on object lesson set alternatively of promoting the products makes the messages on the clean value are delivered to audience. The messages is swooning and gentle to gain References http//www. petronas. com. my/ lucre/ corp/c entralrep2. nsf/frameset_corp? OpenFrameset http//www. kujie2. com/perayaan/iklan-raya-petronas-yang-mana-paling-best. hypertext markup language
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