Thursday, October 31, 2019
That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded Essay - 5
That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow - Essay Example Whether in primary or middle school, the true purpose of education has lost its significance to a great extent as people seem to have forgotten that education is intrinsically linked with acquisition of knowledge. (Davidson and Carber, 2009, p.9) During the formative years, the students traverse through different stages of development and the educational programs that they are taught are not similar as that of middle schools, but one of the most significant aspects of PYP or Primary Years Program is to inculcate the idea of inquiry although it is doubtful whether the educators make genuine efforts for developing the stance of inquiry (Davidson and Carber 2009, p.11). Moreover, the teachers are concerned with the completion of curriculum that robs the children of their natural abilities of expression. For instance, if a child is unable to grasp the concept of ‘transparent’ in the classroom, a teacher may or may not prefer to take special efforts to think of a better way to solve this problem although the principles of teaching reinforce this concept. Thus, knowledge remains unfinished in most schools from early childhood and children may never learn to ask questions even during the latter years when they grow up to become adults. Knowledge, as it is known to us remains a maxim that looks good in text books and it is a fact that few people will be able to abolish when viewed in today’s perspective. The most common example that can be cited for explaining the redundancy of knowledge is that of computer education, which is now being taught in most schools and colleges. It is undoubtedly true that the world of computers, which is developing faster than a sudden storm, leave the learners in awe. Moreover, the parents are puzzled with the inclination among most children to choose computer as their chosen subject. Additionally, the computer programs and curriculums that are taught in
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Chemical vapor deposition- principles and implementation Research Paper
Chemical vapor deposition- principles and implementation - Research Paper Example CVD has wide applications which include provision of wear and corrosion resistance, formation of barriers and net shape components. INTRODUCTION Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) is a versatile technique of applying required coats of metals on surfaces of components. Unlike other types of painting techniques, this technique applies a coat of the wanted solid on all the accessible surfaces of a component. This therefore makes this technique very appropriate for coat application on surfaces which are of unorthodox nature. In this report, the principles and implementation of CVD are examined. In examining the principles of CVD, the CVD process is closely examined by specifically discussing what takes place inside the reaction chamber of a CVD reactor. The types of CVDs are also discussed. On the second part of this report, the implementation of CVD is discussed whereby the complete equipment set for typical CVD set up is examined. The types of CVD reactors and the applications of CVD are also discussed. PRINCIPLES OF CVD Under this section, the principles of CVD are examined. Specifically, the CVD process is discussed and types of CVDs are also examined. CVD Process The basic principle of the CVD process is the reaction of gaseous precursors to form a solid coating on a heated substrate (ATL 1). This process takes place in the reaction chamber located inside the CVD reactor. ... The temperature will depend on the level of coating required, the gaseous precursors involved and the substrate type. After the substrate has been heated to the required temperature, a controlled gaseous precursor (from the left in the above diagram – Fig. 1) is introduced into the gas chamber. The type of gaseous precursor to be used will depend on the type of deposit required. Figure 2 (ULTRAMET 1) For illustration purpose if metal M is to be deposited on the surface of a substrate, then a gaseous precursor such as MCl2 can be used. It is imperative that the precursor has to be in a gaseous form. After introducing a controlled flow of MCl2 gas, a controlled flow of hydrogen is also introduced. The mixture conditions are adjusted in such a manner that the mixture only reacts when in contact with the substrate surface (ATL 2). MCl2 + H2 = M + 2HCl The reaction on the surface of the substrate releases the metal atom and exhaust gas hydrogen chloride. The metal atom is bonded on the surface of the substrate while the waste gas is drawn out of the reaction chamber by use of a vacuum pump. In the schematic diagram above (Fig 1) the gas is removed to the right. The vacuum pump creates a constant flow of reacting gases into the chamber and waste gases out of the chamber (ATL 3). At the start of the reaction process, the metal deposition is localized (deposited on particular points on the substrate) but as the process progresses the atoms are evenly deposited all over the surface of the substrate. The deposition of the metal applies to all the accessible surfaces of the substrate no matter what shape the substrate has. The process is allowed to progress until the desired thickness of the metal is achieved. In some cases the coating is left to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Principle Of Equality In Practical Ethics Philosophy Essay
Principle Of Equality In Practical Ethics Philosophy Essay The principle of equality in Singers work can be rationally defended from many perspectives, especially when it is being applied to human beings. However, Singer goes further to consider all animals as well. It is the basic assumption of the current investigation that Singers ideas about equality are much more rational, and much less radical, when they are employed to describe human beings; however, when they are expanded to include all sentience, some of the supposed equalities Singer proposes are no longer rational. Some of Singers theories about equality can therefore be challenged by logic, and not accepted, by people who, for example, see a difference between animals and humans, in terms of the equality applied and implied to them. When Singer talks about equality, he rejects the traditional Rawls-influenced notion of moral personality and human equality. Singer proposes a broader and more collectivist ethics, and therefore his idea of equality is also broader. However, there needs to be an alternative to this philosophy because it is untenable and seeks a level of sophistication which the author frequently is unable to convey appropriately, as seen by his use in the following sentence of creative semantics within their rhetoric. The day may come when the rest of the animal creation may acquire those rights which never could have been with-holden from them but by the hand of tyranny (sic). The French have already discovered that the blackness of the skin is no reason why a human being should be abandoned without redress to the caprice of a tormentor (Singer, 1989). Singers essay, which proposes to have a utilitarian argument structure, is basically all about morality, and it corresponds to the rightness or wron gness of an action that impacts that actions significance in terms of utility. This concept of utility has been stretched and formed the main basis for those who would criticize Singers embrace of the equality of animals and humans, as a dry and humourless statistical impossibility that drained the imagination out of humanity and based impulse on quasi-scientific ethical propositions. This is a valid criticism in the light of various authors use of utilitarianism, but it is also important to keep in mind that utilitarianism is basically a positive principle that lays out a plan for happiness, not equality. In other words, there are bright and dark sides to this issue, in which the philosophy can be changed and develop a more hybrid definition as it is interpreted by different scholars, such as Singer, or Bentham. In these cases, one scholar usually comes before the other. Singers ideas of equality also have a lot to do with the equal consideration of disparate interests. From this perspective, the philosopher can be rationally defended by those who seek to end the reign of racism, sexism and discrimination on the grounds of disability, from society. From an egalitarian perspective then, Singer can be rationally defended in his conception of equality, as it is basically a parallel of the status quo of most industrialized societies, at least in principle. And Singer asks thought provoking questions about the nature of real equality, for example, asking reasonably if any readers would really consider a strangers family to be equal to theirs, if both were under some external threat. Some of the more utilitarian of Singers defences of equality seem to make more rational sense than his defence of animals being equal to humans. Singers utilitarianism has a political and legal value, even in the justification theory perspective, because it can separate levels of harm caused to society in terms of either rules that encompass actions or actions which in themselves become rules. It is difficult to say which interpretation is more faithful to the basic tenets of utilitarianism, but it seems that in terms of alternatives, Singer has chosen not to look deeper into this philosophy than just one counts as one. What can be said, however, is that, justification-theory utilitarianism as stressed by Singer, consists of a doctrine that relates to moral goodness rather than ethical goodness, and also a doctrine that relates to what the author believes is morally right, not ethically right. The originators of utilitarianism, Mill and Bentham, both saw utilitarianism as a moral theory, and this is correct, and therefore the author uses the moral theory to back up their own moral philosophy. Jeremy Bentham incorporated the essential basis of moral equality into his utilitarian system of ethics in the formula, Each to count for one and non for more than one. In other words, the interests of every being affected by an action are to be taken into account and given the same weight as the like interests of any other being (Singer, 1989). In utilitarianism, deliberation can be conflated with intention and determination, whereas justification can be thought of as proven reasonability. There are differences between different categories of the philosophy in general, which are basically involved with the application of theoretical concepts in terms of predicting and justifying consequences and comparisons. So equality of opportunity is not an attractive ideal. It rewards the lucky, who inherit those abilities that allow them to pursue interesting and lucrative careers. It penalizes the unlucky, whose genes make it very hard for them to achieve similar success (Singer, 1989). When the author is talking about humans, he makes some cogent points. Singer uses utilitarianism as a theory of justification of society and equality of people and animals, but I would also propose that the author looks a little further into utilitarianism and sees that it is really more about proven reasonability as a standard measuring the worth of the end result or consequential result of the concept: happiness, not equality. In terms of institutional application in a historical sense, this has also included a reckoning of the main points of justification theory utilitarianism as a way of grading or categorizing institutions or policy ramifications in terms of testing and proving the efficiency or utility of the institution through a utilitarian viewpoint. This involves justification in that it uses proof and rationalization rather than deliberation theories of intention and determination. This also increases the value of objectivity as a vaunted standard within utilitarianism, seen from this justification perspective. Singer also examines some inequalities that plague society. The important point is that affirmative action, whether by quotas or some other method, is not contrary to any sound principle of equality and does not violate any rights of those excluded by it From this point, Singers theories view inequality as being passed on from one generation to another in terms of wealth and privilege within a family structure that is seen as a space of economic restriction that also works to keep disadvantaged families in the same place from generation to generation. The social class of the parents, from this perspective, will play a large role in the development of their children in terms of advantages or disadvantages that are inherited in the family structure. From this view, society is not seen as the large organism or field of struggle that functional theorists and conflict theorists see it as, but rather is seen more limited in terms of individual and everyday relations. When Singer is proclaiming the equality of animals and humans, this is a controversial subject on which some of his arguments appear less logical. It has been suggested that autonomous, self-conscious beings are in some way much more valuable morally significant, than beings w ho live from moment to moment, without the capacity to see themselves as distinct beings with a past and a future (Singer, 1989). Everyone has their own ethics. Socially positive behaviour may be influenced by moral behaviour, which has a more religious semantic connotation, but ethics should not be confused with moral behaviour. Ethics is not the same as morality or presupposing moral censorship, as some would have it; morality is more of an externalized and often conditioned response, whereas ethics could perhaps be more readily likened to the basic conscience mechanism of social responsibility. Ethics is something that begins with the individual and acts effectively to represent society in terms of fair and balanced information being presented. Animals do have rights. Those who abuse or are cruel to animals can be brought before the law. But there is also a double standard, because the cows supplying McDonalds hamburgers are mistreated and abused every day in a cruel manner, and no one takes a second thought. Animals do have rights, but they are rights that are determined by humans, not animals. When Singer is talking about the equality of humans who are disabled, or minorities, it is a conventional, status quo argument. But when he suggests the equality of animals and humans, he takes a step towards more controversial polemics. (Singer, 1989)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Modern Aboriginal Issues Essay -- Aboriginals Australia History Essays
Modern Aboriginal Issues The first Europeans to settle Australia treated the Aboriginals in a brutal, unfair manor. They downgraded Aboriginals to a lower status as human beings. They tried to force the Aboriginals to conform to the western way of life for more than 200 years. It is only fairly recently that the Aboriginals have finally been able to gain back some of their indigenous rights and traditions. Yet they are still deficient in many areas. The land that their ancestors held has not all been returned to them, they struggle to meet the requirements of western education systems, and they have a very limited access to health care. In spite of these problems, many aboriginals are working to better themselves and their community. It will just take time for the western and Aboriginal cultures to merge into the one final Australian society Introduction The Aboriginal people have undergone much change and turmoil in the 220 years since the British first started a colony. They have seen their land and their freedom stripped away. The Aboriginal people are slowly regaining ground after two centuries of unfair political and social treatment. How far have Aboriginal people come, and how far do they have to go, before they will truly be equal citizens? To answer this question, one must first look at how they were forced to the bottom of the ladder. Next, some of the recent changes that have occurred in government policy and social acceptance will be looked at. Finally, education and health care as faced by the Aboriginals in their lives daily will be discussed. History The problems facing Aboriginals today are many an... ...lian Nursing Journal. 11(9):37. Fasoli, Lyn, Margot Ford. 2001. "Indigenous early childhood educators' narratives: Relationships, not activities." Australian Journal of Early Childhood. 26(3):18-22. Griffiths, Max. 1995. Aboriginal Affairs, A Short History. Kangaroo Press Pty Ltd, Kenthurst NSW. Howitt, Richard. 1998. â€Å"Recognition, respect and reconciliation: steps towards decolonization?†Australian Aboriginal Studies. 1998(1):28-34. Mail, Koori. 2001. "Course provides local EN opportunities". Australian Nursing Journal 9(5):33. Mary Greely Medical Center. Website. Accessed April 20, 2005. Windisch, Lydia E., Vickii B. Jenvey; Marlene Drysdale. 2003. "Indigenous parents' ratings of the importance of play, indigenous games and language, and early childhood education." Australian Journal of Early Childhood. 28(3):50-56. Modern Aboriginal Issues Essay -- Aboriginals Australia History Essays Modern Aboriginal Issues The first Europeans to settle Australia treated the Aboriginals in a brutal, unfair manor. They downgraded Aboriginals to a lower status as human beings. They tried to force the Aboriginals to conform to the western way of life for more than 200 years. It is only fairly recently that the Aboriginals have finally been able to gain back some of their indigenous rights and traditions. Yet they are still deficient in many areas. The land that their ancestors held has not all been returned to them, they struggle to meet the requirements of western education systems, and they have a very limited access to health care. In spite of these problems, many aboriginals are working to better themselves and their community. It will just take time for the western and Aboriginal cultures to merge into the one final Australian society Introduction The Aboriginal people have undergone much change and turmoil in the 220 years since the British first started a colony. They have seen their land and their freedom stripped away. The Aboriginal people are slowly regaining ground after two centuries of unfair political and social treatment. How far have Aboriginal people come, and how far do they have to go, before they will truly be equal citizens? To answer this question, one must first look at how they were forced to the bottom of the ladder. Next, some of the recent changes that have occurred in government policy and social acceptance will be looked at. Finally, education and health care as faced by the Aboriginals in their lives daily will be discussed. History The problems facing Aboriginals today are many an... ...lian Nursing Journal. 11(9):37. Fasoli, Lyn, Margot Ford. 2001. "Indigenous early childhood educators' narratives: Relationships, not activities." Australian Journal of Early Childhood. 26(3):18-22. Griffiths, Max. 1995. Aboriginal Affairs, A Short History. Kangaroo Press Pty Ltd, Kenthurst NSW. Howitt, Richard. 1998. â€Å"Recognition, respect and reconciliation: steps towards decolonization?†Australian Aboriginal Studies. 1998(1):28-34. Mail, Koori. 2001. "Course provides local EN opportunities". Australian Nursing Journal 9(5):33. Mary Greely Medical Center. Website. Accessed April 20, 2005. Windisch, Lydia E., Vickii B. Jenvey; Marlene Drysdale. 2003. "Indigenous parents' ratings of the importance of play, indigenous games and language, and early childhood education." Australian Journal of Early Childhood. 28(3):50-56.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Per Clausewitz’s On War Essay
Per Clausewitz’s On War focal points on how victory can be achieved, reader see a keen interest in how to disarm the enemy using reciprocal and proportionate â€Å"efforts to his powers or resistance. †This implies that to win a war you might use all means, strength, and resources within your power to deliver the best strategy possible. Using â€Å"calculation of probabilities†victory can achieved by fully knowing what is at stake and how to attack at the right time. Being aware of the political agenda and reasoning behind a war allows for more awareness of political and military alliances in order to achieve victory in war. In addition, by understanding that there are tactics and strategy which must be used in war a victory can be acquired (website, Handel). To Clausewitz this means that â€Å"preparations for War†and the â€Å"War itself†must be seen as distinct entities. By preparing for the War you are acquiring all needed provisions and equipment, and comprehending the enemy and terrain in which the battles might be fought (Clausewitz Book 6). Sun too indicates that preparation for War is strongly required, and that without it practicality of strategy is lost. This would include any tactics to be used, calculations which can done, deriving rules or â€Å"even systems for the conduct of war†, and understanding that knowledge can be â€Å"converted into real power†. Clausewitz considers that â€Å"war is science when mere knowing; art, when doing. †This law of action must include strategy. This in turn â€Å"links together the series of acts which are to lead to the final decision†or finality of victory. Because these strategic elements are key to achieving victory, this author insists that the â€Å"use of engagements†¦. be classified into: moral, physical, mathematical, geographical, and statistical†aspects. This elements manifest within the process and act of War, and encompass the idea that strategic assembly of forces enables victory. Clausewitz indicates that the use of battle leads to the destruction of the enemy’s military, and that a great results is achieved by battle (KLINGER 79-89).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
High school Essay
Education Does the perfect high school exist? Is there a school out there in which the students are all nice and responsible, every teacher enforces learning on the classroom, and the school system always makes wise decisions? No, probably not. At least, not any school I have ever heard of. There are multiple problems affecting high schools today, usually being either issues personally affecting an individual student, or issues affecting the whole school. Some examples of these problems may be: bullying, dropping out, not studying or doing homework, getting pregnant, not being taught to a full extent, financial issues, and etcetera. Like most problems, there is always a solution that we could benefit from. One of the most major issues hurting high schools today has to do with students being lazy. Teens go to school for the majority of their day, which is typically seven hours. Once they finally get home, it is safe to assume that the last thing on students’ minds is homework. They think â€Å"I have been at school allllll day! This is my time to relax; I do not want to do school work anymore! †So instead, they choose to sit down and watch Jersey Shore or log onto their Facebook accounts. In â€Å"The Liberal Arts in an Age of Info-Glut†by Todd Gitlin, he talks about comedy writer Larry Gelbart referring to media as â€Å"weapons of mass distraction. †If you think about it, this is pretty accurate. Televisions, the internet, etc are nothing but examples of distraction. Most teenagers are not responsible enough to think â€Å"I cannot watch TV right now, I have to study,†so they usually spend the rest of their night watching TV, causing a failing grade on the next day’s test. Teens in high school are not fully matured. Obviously, if they were mature, they would realize the importance of their grades as opposed the importance of who got in a fight on Jersey Shore. Due to this fact, I think we should â€Å"Let Teenagers Try Adulthood. †In this passage, Leon Botstein supports his idea to give teens a chance at adult life. As I have mentioned, teenagers are not mature enough to make decisions that will be good for their future. So why not let them graduate at the age of sixteen in order for them to understand the significance of being a responsible, mature person? Letting them graduate earlier could more than likely help students realize that it is time to grow up and take action for their lives. And maybe then, less time will be spent watching television, and more time will be spent on productive things†¦ mainly because they would not have a choice! Another major problem in high schools is the extremely high rate of students dropping out of school early. Teens drop out of school for multiple different reasons. Some leave school to escape bullying. There is always that one kid who is bullied so much, he just cannot stand it any longer. This is usually the kid in the back of the classroom, trying to stay hidden from everyone else, not doing assignments or paying attention. Scurrilous peers tend to make students want to stay at home forever, and never come back to school. Dropping out of school may be the victim’s way of getting away. Some students drop school simply because of boredom. They get tired of doing the same thing, every day. They feel as though they are not getting anything from it. In David S. Broder’s â€Å"A Model for High Schools,†he states that â€Å"Too many students are dropping out of high school, bored or dissatisfied with what it offers. †Throughout my three years of high school, I have seen numerous issues arise. Due to these many issues, personally, I do not like high school a bit. The problem most chronic would definitely have to be teen pregnancy. I remember during my freshman year, there were about twenty different young girls roaming the halls with a baby bump. During my sophomore year, there were twelve. The majority of the young women in high school that are getting pregnant end up dropping out and totally ignoring their education in order to raise their child. Those who do not drop out still have to miss tons of days due to their pregnancy and child birth†¦ which means, these students will get very far behind in their work, and will have to catch up on their own. Now, I am not saying that these girls should not raise their children, or that they do not have a reason to be absent frequently, I am simply saying this: Do not get pregnant in the first place! Education should always come first. Once they miss that month of school, it is going to be extremely difficult for them to catch up on their work. Because of this, most students will just give up and drop out. No one wants to be stupid, have a child at 16, and have to work at McDonald’s just to buy diapers and a box of Cheerios! Although there are still many issues arising in high schools all throughout America, these are more than likely the worst. Laziness and irresponsibility, dropping out, and getting pregnant can all cause students to end up with no education whatsoever, and lead them to a life of serving customers at the local Wal-Mart.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Child Labor and the British Industrial Revolution essays
Child Labor and the British Industrial Revolution essays The British Industrial Revolution (1770-1850) changed the social and economic life of Britain by establishing a completely new way of living and working. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, Britain was poor, though not without some economic surplus; relatively stagnant, though not completely static; and based on agriculture as its main economic activity (Deane 18). Because of the use of new food crops, such as the potato, and a decline in epidemic diseases, many of the major countries, including Britain, experienced tremendous population growth during this time. The population growth demanded the production of more goods, which soon brought about the development of factories. The technological advancements led to a new model of production and social relationships. The cottage workers were rapidly induced to long work hours in the large brick factories which resembled the stone poorhouses. Eventually, the cottage workers became unwilling to work in the factories which caused factory a nd mill owners to focus on abandoned and pauper children as their labor supply. These children were infants to 16 years old, averaging 4 feet 11 inches or less, and working 13 or 14 hours a day, six days a week (Spartacus). Child labor during this time became a significant topic for reformers, supporters, parents, children and the government. During the Industrial Revolution, there were many factory reformers who were against using child labor. John Fielden was born in Todmorden to Joshua Fielden, owner of a small textile business. From an early age, he had been taught to be concerned about the wellbeing and safety of employees of the company. In 1816, he and his brothers petitioned Parliament for factory legislation that protected child workers. Fielden founded a religious social reform group called the Todmorden Unitarian Society in 1822. He also advocated the introduction of a minimum wage and believed long work hours had a severe effect on worker...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Deciduous Forest essays
Deciduous Forest essays The definition of a deciduous forest is a biome characterized by the presence of trees that lose their leaves in the fall. I chose to narrow down this subject a little and do my report mainly on the Temperate Broadleaf Deciduous Forest. It is mainly dominate in eastern North America. It is very well known for its leaves which turn brilliant colors like brilliant reds, oranges and golds in autumn. The shortening of days in fall stimulates the plants to withdraw chlorophyll from their leaves, allowing a brief but spectacular showing of other beautiful colors before the leaves are shed completely and plants enter an extended period of dormacy. The temperature of the deciduous forest is associated with warmer continental and humid subtropical climates. There is about a six month growing season in this forest. The average precipitation distributed evenly throughout a year is about 20 to 60 inches . The non-growing season is do to temperature induced drought during cold winters. The summer s are warm. The deciduous forest has four definite seasons. The long summers of this biome support many life forms, but the cold winters still provide formidable challenges. The cold weather and scarcity of food test the endurance of the animals. Plants must find ways to ensure their survival through dormant periods, and to produce enough seeds to continue their species. The deciduous forest supports a diverse ecology. A warm growing season with abundant moisture encourages plants to grow, and the ground is covered with small plants, flowers, and grasses. In summer the tall trees cast shades on the forest floor, and shade-tolerant plants grow. There are only open areas in which grasses grow without sunshine in this forest on occasion. Ferns and wild flowers are abundant, and there are also many deciduous shrubs, such as some berry bushes. The deciduous forest biome is the home to many kinds of flowering trees. Deciduous trees need a growing season of about ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Answer the 10 Toughest Interview Questions
How to Answer the 10 Toughest Interview Questions Everyone is nervous on interviews, but with a little practice and guidance, you will be able to confidently answer the most difficult interview questions and land the job. To help you prepare, here 10 of the toughest interview questions and how to answer them.1. â€Å"Tell Me About Yourself†This question can be tricky because the interviewer is essentially aiming to discover who you are as a person and how well you fit with the company.Full Answer  6 Steps to Answering ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ During a Job Interview2. â€Å"Why Should I Hire You?†In an interview, few questions can throw off a candidate’s poise like the simple, â€Å"Why should I hire you?†After all, it seems redundant. What have you been talking about this entire time, if not the reasons why the company should hire you?!Full Answer  6 Dos and Don’ts for Answering â€Å"Why Should I Hire You?†3. â€Å"Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?†When you ’re sitting in an interview, there’s a good chance that most of your mental real estate lately has been going toward this day. So when the interviewer asks you where you see yourself in five years, it can be a bit of a jolt to suddenly think about the long term.Full Answer  How to Answer â€Å"Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?† 4. â€Å"What’s Your Perfect Day?†Recently, it came out that Facebook’s head recruiter’s favorite interview question to ask is more like a personal essay question. â€Å"On your very best day at work- the day you come home and think you have the best job in the world- what did you do that day?†Now that this is making the viral rounds, don’t be surprised to hear it in your non-Facebook interviews as well. Here are some tips for breaking the question down and being ready to pounce on it.Full Answer  How to Answer the â€Å"What’s Your Perfect Day?†Interview Question5. â€Å"The Salary Question†The job application process has a number of separate stages: applying, interviewing, job offer, then salary negotiation and acceptance. Most employers stick to this, and let the money talk wait until things are further along. But if they jump the gun and ask you up front for a) your current salary or b) desired salary, what do you do?Full Answer  How to Answer the Salary Question in an Interview6. â€Å"Can I Contact Your Current Employer†If anyone asks where you were today, you were at a dentist’s appointment. Right? The vague â€Å"appointment,†always in the middle of the day, is a classic tactic for interviewing for new jobs while you’re still at your current one. You just put up your â€Å"out of office†message and hope no one notices that you’re awfully dressed up for a Wednesday. However, your slick cover story could be blown if the interviewing company contacts your current one.Full Answer  How to Answer â€Å"Can I Contact Your Current Employer?†7. â€Å"Why Have You Had So Many Jobs?†You’re sitting in the interview, and things are going fine, when the hiring manager looks up from your resume, eyebrow raised, and asks the question you’ve been dreading: â€Å"You’ve had an awful lot of jobs, haven’t you? Can you walk me through that?†Full Answer  How to Answer â€Å"Why Have You Had So Many Jobs?†8. â€Å"Aren’t You Overqualified For This Position?†In an ideal world, we’d all be applying for (and getting) a job that is a perfect, snug fit for our skills, experience, and career goals. In the real world, that’s not always an option. Maybe you were laid off, and are seeking a foot (any foot!) back in the door of your career path. Perhaps you’re feeling stalled in your current job, and are looking to move back a step or two to get new skills and experience. Whatever the reason, it co uld very well lead to the dreaded â€Å"aren’t you overqualified for this position?†question in an interview.Full Answer  The Best Way to Answer the â€Å"Aren’t You Overqualified?†Interview Question 9. â€Å"Why Are You Leaving This Position?†Chances are, the interviewer will ask you why you’re looking to leave your current job- or if you’re currently unemployed, why you left your last job.Full Answer  How to Answer the 5 Most Common Interview Questions10. â€Å"What Changes Would You Make if You Came On Board?†Watch out!  This question can derail your candidacy faster than a bomb on the tracks and just as you are about to be hired. No matter how bright you are, you cannot know the right actions to take in a position before you settle in and get to know the operation’s strengths, weaknesses key people, financial condition, methods of operation, etc.  If you lunge at this temptingly baited question, y ou will probably be seen as someone who shoots from the hip.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Roots of the Texas Judiciary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Roots of the Texas Judiciary - Essay Example For the elections of the district judges and the Chief Justice, the two houses of Congress conducted a joint ballot. For lower court judges, their elections were conducted through a popular vote. County courts for each county were also established. This judicial structure was retained for the 1845 to 1869 constitutions (Womack, In 1845 however, Supreme Court district judges’ roles were discarded and consequently replaced by two associate justices (Womack, Another change was in 1850 when the positions of Supreme Court Justices and district judges were made elective; potential candidates for these positions were previously appointed by the governor with the authorization of the Senate (Womack, The appellate court of last resort-the court of appeals was formed after the constitution of 1876 (Womack, The court was given authorization of appeals in criminal, county court and probate cases. In addition, the Supreme Court neither had the ability nor the will to review the court of Appeals decisions. However, the full intention of the court of appeal was to decide the civil appeal from the district courts by abandoning the supreme courts, but unfortunately, the Court of Appeal did not succeed in its mission leading to the deterioration of the Supreme Court’s work. According to Womack, the second plan to relieve the supreme court was through the establishment of an intermediate level of appeals for cases that were civil in nature, which became possible when the Constitution was amended in 1891 ( With time, the number of cases in need of attention by the courts increase and this led to an increased in the number of judges to nine by 1978 (Womack,
Friday, October 18, 2019
Ethical implications of leading in the healthcaare environment Essay
Ethical implications of leading in the healthcaare environment - Essay Example It is expected from all members of the organization to a show commitment towards these codes with the conduct of a professional particularly in the field of healthcare management. These codes can be viewed as a formulation of personal responsibility. The most identifiable significance being the mode of commitment that an individual possesses. In general, sense the code possesses all aspects of professional situation as both a human and a proficient member of the organization. It is obvious that an organization is formed with human aspects and for an organization to become ethical, it is important the human aspects be indulged into following the code. It is imperative that these codes of ethics would be subjective and open to individual interpretations but it should also be noted that in such incident these codes, phrases, or word of the codes would be judged upon individual approach of humane solution. (Zimmerman, 2002) In this respect of Ethics and Leadership qualities of an organization, it would be relevant to mention the emergence of Professional Care Organization (PCO, a newly established health care organization). Its very existence may be definitely seen as a paradigm shift. The clientele is the public in need of medical treatment. The organization employs a staff of 120 professionals (doctors, paramedics, assistants, nurses, health-care assistants, and maintenance staff). PCO intends to become the leading health-care services provider in its region. It also plans to alter the general conception for high medical care costs by implementing a society benefit program that will allow to significantly reducing the patients’ expenditures. The modern American health industry is going through a difficult period, one characterized by new concerns about rising health costs. The major concern that had directed medicine until that time was that Americans required more medical careâ€â€more than the marketplace would
Textual Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Textual Analysis - Essay Example She tries to compare the human ears with the dried peach halves (Forche 1). The use of this simile brings out a stark image where she shows how lifeless the ears were but after dropping them in water, they became lively. The contrast and comparison elaborates on the Colonel’s brutality. Simile has also been used to compare the window gratings in the house with those that are found in the liquor stores. The use of irony is evident in the poems title â€Å"the Colonel†where Forsche is treated to a very sumptuous dinner. They are served with lamb racks, wine and green mangoes which tend to reflect a feast. However, they are also served with bread, which they do not know its type. As the writer puts it, there is a golden bell which is used to summon the maid. It is ironical to have a golden bell just to summon the domestic worker. Another type of irony is evident where the parrot joins their conversation on governance issues. On another perspective, the parrot does not com prehend anything on governance since it is not human but from the poem, it contributes to the interesting topic. The parrot reinforces the ugly events that the Colonel is talking explaining. It is also ironical in situations where the writer nods her head to agree to the Colonel’s stories that are brutal and horrifying (Forche 1). Irony is also evident in the scene where Forche claims that her friend talked to her with her eyes so that she should not say anything after the Colonel kicks the parrot out. The author also brings irony where she talks about the fence that had broken bottle glass, which would rip off and individual’s kneecaps. Repetition has also been used to create emphasis of the story. The writer has emphasized on the use of the word ‘some’, which has been used three times. For example, the Colonel says ‘something for your poetry’. The word has also been used in cases where Forche says ‘some of the ears on the floor’ . The use of ‘some of the’ has been used twice at the end of the poem to emphasize of the number of ears that had been thrown on the floor. Repetition is used in poems to create a rhythm that will help the reader. In this poem, repetition has been used to express emotions that have come up due to the Colonel’s brutality. For poets to come up with good poems, most of them employ the use of repetition since it creates a rhythm and alliteration for the reader. How the visual special devices affect the viewer and their effectiveness In the poem â€Å"The Colonel†, the writer has used visual impacts to reveal the image of the Colonel and his brutal acts. From the start of the poem, the poet tries to bring out a clear picture of the Colonel’s house. The author starts by describing the family members, the house, and its surroundings and later brings out the aspect of brutality after the Colonel brings out the ears. For emphasize on brutality, the author al so says that there is a pistol put on a cushion beside the Colonel. The author has also included every single detail that is happening in the house to create an imaginary house in the reader’s mind. She also explains what was on the television as they walked into the house. These special devices have led to visual imagery in the poem. According to the poem’s structure, the author has presented her work in just one paragraph that emphasizes on concrete poetry. The line placements and flow of words in the poem brings visual imagery. The longest lines in the poem try to
Old Elevators Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Old Elevators - Research Proposal Example s old elevators; this proposal is made taking into consideration the potential financial support of the state – especially if eco-friendly technology will be used (see the example of the ECO-Space EB technology supported by KONE, 2010). In the Canada’s economic Action Plan published recently by the government (see the website of the Department of Finance but also the Canada News Centre – government of Canada – where a similar initiative is promoted) it is made clear that a significant amount of money will be invested on the modernization and the update of the federal infrastructure – the University could be included in the specific program. It is proposed that the new elevators are of eco-friendly technology in order to guarantee the financial support of the state in their replacement; at the next level, a detailed project of the tasks required for the completion of this project will be submitted so that all funds necessary will be easily estimated in advance. Through this study the following benefits are expected to result: a) modernization of the University’s infrastructure without having to cover all expenses – since the state is expected to support the project, b) implementation of technology that is more friendly to the environment – this initiative could also urge other institutions and organizations across the country to proceed to a similar project. In order to complete this study, the following questions need to be answered: a) which will be the most appropriate technology for the specific organizational sector, i.e. which elevators would be appropriate for the specific environment – the needs of the University but also the market trends would be taking into consideration for replying to this question, b) which is the average cost of the new elevators – a market research should be developed for replying to this question, c) which would be the financial support of the state – i.e. would the state cover the whole cost or just part of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Discuss and assess the potential for multiplied penalties for Assignment
Discuss and assess the potential for multiplied penalties for egregious violations. Your response should be approximately 200-300 words and include a reference citation for your sources - Assignment Example Some companies are crying foul because according to them it was practically issuing multiple citations and penalties for the same violation (MacArthur, 1995). Furthermore, since the OSHA provision is for prevention of the same hazards from occurring again, it is improper to multiply the penalties by the number of employees harmed by a violation. There is no need to multiply the penalty because the same hazard can be remedied with the â€Å"identical abatement method†(MacArthur, 1995). If OSHA is allowed to execute these multiplied penalties, they might go overboard and start issuing penalties on a per day or per hour basis on every violation made. This is definitely unreasonable and unacceptable to employers. OSHA should view the matter in the proper perspective focusing on the fact that if the hazard can be corrected just once, then there is no need for multiplied penalties. However, if different hazards represent different violations, then the penalties should be multiplied because it cannot be corrected by a single action. MacArthur, M. (1995, December 1). Commision clarifies OSHAs "egregious violations" policy. Retrieved June 27, 2012, from Stanley, J. (2010, September). OSHA issuing more egregious violations, but they may not hold up. Retrieved June 27, 2012, from
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Response to Intervention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Response to Intervention - Essay Example The Response to Intervention is aimed at changing the ways in which traditional educational institutions support the student groups with learning, cognitive and behavioral issues that they face in their learning process (Stewart, Martella, Nancy, Marchand and Benner, 2005). This method works by systematically providing or delivering new steps of interventions and instructions from the entities that provide education tot the students on the basis of the demonstrated or displayed levels of needs and requirements of the student and learner groups. Response to Intervention can thus, be defined as an educational and instructional practice which is aimed at providing consistent, high quality and easily assimilative interventions that would help the educational provisions to match the needs of the students while at the same time ensuring the frequent monitoring of the educational and interventional practices to ensure that proper decisions are taken regarding the modifications that are to b e made to the existing education and intervention systems and instructions given to the specific student groups (Fuchs, Compton, Fuchs, Bryant and Davis, 2008). The Response to Intervention is built on the basis of a problem solving model, in which both the internal factors applicable to a student and the external factors that may affect the level of assimilation and understanding of the student are considered with the aim of solving common academic problems. The Response to Intervention has emerged as an innovative way of thinking about the intervention assistance and disability identification for the vulnerable, academically weak and unresponsive learner groups. This method of educational intervention is especially applicable to the children in primary and post primary school levels. The Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) is an extended version of the Response to Intervention which is aimed at
Discuss and assess the potential for multiplied penalties for Assignment
Discuss and assess the potential for multiplied penalties for egregious violations. Your response should be approximately 200-300 words and include a reference citation for your sources - Assignment Example Some companies are crying foul because according to them it was practically issuing multiple citations and penalties for the same violation (MacArthur, 1995). Furthermore, since the OSHA provision is for prevention of the same hazards from occurring again, it is improper to multiply the penalties by the number of employees harmed by a violation. There is no need to multiply the penalty because the same hazard can be remedied with the â€Å"identical abatement method†(MacArthur, 1995). If OSHA is allowed to execute these multiplied penalties, they might go overboard and start issuing penalties on a per day or per hour basis on every violation made. This is definitely unreasonable and unacceptable to employers. OSHA should view the matter in the proper perspective focusing on the fact that if the hazard can be corrected just once, then there is no need for multiplied penalties. However, if different hazards represent different violations, then the penalties should be multiplied because it cannot be corrected by a single action. MacArthur, M. (1995, December 1). Commision clarifies OSHAs "egregious violations" policy. Retrieved June 27, 2012, from Stanley, J. (2010, September). OSHA issuing more egregious violations, but they may not hold up. Retrieved June 27, 2012, from
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Regulatory Agency Essay Example for Free
Regulatory Agency Essay The role and responsibility of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), most importantly, is to uphold the laws dictated by the government concerning products that include drugs, medical products, food, and non-health related products and to protect and promote public health across the country. This essay focuses on several aspects of the FDA, from the role of the agency and its effect on health care in the United States, to the authority this agency carries in relation to health care. There will also be an explanation of how the FDA carries out these responsibilities on a day-to-day basis. The FDA has held a strong presence in the realm of public health since 1848 when it began as a consumer protection agency (FDA, 2013). The FDA, formed after the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act was put in place and inspired by the scientific work of Harvey Washington Wiley, who was the Chief Chemist at the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Wiley worked to eliminate the dangerous practices of marketing unregulated drugs and food products to consumers (FDA, 2013). Since that time, the FDA has become a powerful force, monitoring and working to protect public health in the United States. FDA Role The FDA is an agency that works within the Department of Health and Human Services. The Office of the Commissioner takes the lead role with four other branches that manage other functions (FDA, 2013). The Office of the Commissioner takes â€Å"leadership of the agency’s scientific activities, communication, legislative liaison, policy and planning, women’s and minority health initiatives, agency operations, and toxicological research†(FDA, 2013). The four groups that work under the Office of the Commissioner are the Office of Foods, the Office of Global Regulatory Operations and Policy, the Office of Medical Products and Tobacco, and the Office of Operations. The function of these five entities of the FDA is to protect and promote public health in the U. S. and to uphold the laws dictated by the government regarding public health. This is accomplished through close monitoring and testing of regulated products used by U. S. consumers. These products consist of drugs, food, cosmetics, radiation-emitting products, vaccines and other biologics, veterinary drugs and products, and tobacco products (FDA, 2013). The FDA is also constantly looking for ways to advance public health by assisting other organizations to make medications safe and more effective (FDA, 2013). Not only does the FDA monitor the food supply coming into the U. S. to ensure its safety but also plays a role in counterterrorism efforts by developing products and medications to respond to a public health threat (FDA, 2013). Issuing and enforcing warning labels for drugs and other products is another function in the role of the FDA. The labels serve to educate the public and medical professionals on the use and hazards of using a specific medication or product. However, these labels do not always have the desired effect. Impact on Health Care The efforts of the FDA throughout its history, has created a much safer consumer environment as it relates to food products, cosmetics, and other non-medical items. Foods are carefully scrutinized before they are allowed on the market to ensure these products are safe for the public to consume. Strict guidelines are in place for all types of products that are available to consumers. However, there is some controversy concerning warning labels on prescription drugs. There have been recent reports that communications by the FDA regarding drug risks are not immediately effective (Hitt, 2012). It is the duty of the FDA to monitor and enforce warnings for prescription drugs involving the safety risks to public health. According to Emma Hitt, some of the warnings that recommended increased monitoring of a patient while taking a prescription drug or increase laboratory monitoring generally caused a decrease in the use of the drug and very low increases in monitoring (Hitt, 2012). These types of oversights in clinical practice likely cause adverse effects to patients by not heeding the proper warnings set forth by the FDA. This is just a minute area in which the FDA impacts health care. Just as the FDA is responsible for monitoring drugs, products, and foods, their communications to health care providers and consumers must also be taken seriously. As Hitt states, â€Å"as the goals of risk communication are to minimize potential harms, understanding the impact of an FDA communication’s intended (and unintended) consequences on patient health outcomes should be a priority†(Hitt, 2012). Duties of the FDA The FDA carries an enormous responsibility daily to monitor, investigate, and enforce the safety of the public in general. As discussed earlier, this includes products and medications used by consumers daily. There are times when the regulations and guidelines set forth by the FDA on specific products are not followed and thus the FDA must follow up with inspections, enforce compliance, and conduct criminal investigations (FDA, 2013). The Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) is the lead office in this function of the FDA. It is the duty of the ORA to carry out investigations if a breach in regulation is suspected. Once a questionable observation is made by an investigator of the ORA, a form entitled â€Å"Form 483†is filled out by the investigator (FDA, 2013). On this form, the investigator cites what the law or regulation is and proceeds to list the questionable conditions and what law or regulation is violated. These 483 forms are maintained and revisited periodically. Some of the areas investigated are biologics, drugs, human tissue for transplantation, foods, and radiological health, to name a few. This is a major function of the FDA to ensure compliance to laws and regulations. Regulatory Authority The FDA has regulatory authority provided in the â€Å"Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act†(FDC) passed by Congress in 1983. The creation of this legislation was driven by an incident where more than 100 patients died due to improperly prepared sulfanilamide medications. It replaced the earlier Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 (FDA, 2013). The agency has authority to mandate preventative actions for food facilities to ensure food safety. They also have the power to conduct compliance inspections on facilities the scope of which include access to records and testing by accredited laboratories. The FDA also has several responses it can take to enforce compliance and ensure safety of consumers. It can enforce a mandatory recall of a product, and it can suspend the registration of a facility if it is determined to pose a threat of serious health consequences or the threat of death to humans or animals (FDA, 2013). Accreditation, Certification, and Authorization The FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research is the division of the agency charged with the evaluation and approval of any drug prior to its release on the market. There are three phases in this certification and approval process. The research phase is conducted during the manufacture of a drug, along with the testing, then sent to a review board for recommendation (Writing, 2013). Once the recommendation is given, the drug can move to the second phase, the pre-clinical trials. Here the drug is tested on small groups of humans while measuring interactions and its effectiveness. Once this phase is complete with no adverse issues, the third phase can take place. This is a Phase 2 clinical trial that allows researchers to see if the drug works on a specific illness on patients and allows scientists to determine any side effects that may occur (Writing, 2013). The clinical phases are monitored closely, while working directly with patients to ensure that the testing remain within the standards of medical ethics. Once all of the trials are complete and all recommendations have been given, all of the results are analyzed and only then can be submitted to the FDA for approval to be sold on the market (Writing, 2013). The accreditation and approval process for all products that must be in compliance with FDA guidelines is a rigorous process but necessary for the common good. Conclusion The FDA carries so many responsibilities to provide high quality medications, foods, cosmetics, and many other products. The laws and regulations are complex and detailed. So much, in fact, most people are not aware when a regulation or guideline is being violated. The resources available to research the FDA and their functions and laws are many and well worth the time to gain education on how this enormous entity works to protect and promote public health and safety.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Importance of Youth Sports | Essay
Importance of Youth Sports | Essay Sports as an activity can be traced back to the earliest existence of human beings, for as long as they have been active and sportive. It is a great way for people to master the benefits of nature and their surrounding or environment for that matter. By studying the history of sports, we can learn about the social changes that man has gone through in the past as well as the transformations that sports in itself has undergone. These changes are mostly evidenced in the changes of the rules that govern the various sporting activities as well as in the manner in which they are played. It involves the development and exercise of natural human talents and skills as opposed to exercising them for their importance. Sports has mainly been a preserve of those in their youth as that is the point at which one still has the strength, agility, mindset and the motivation to be actively involved in it. In most sporting activities, one is said to be at their prime in their youth. Sports can be broadly categorized as either team sports or individual sports. Team sports include soccer, basketball, netball, hockey, baseball, volleyball among others. Individual sports include games like badminton, tennis, squash, table tennis, darts, scrabble, and chess among others. The other classification of sporting activities can be physical or non-physical. The physical sports are those that require movement of the body muscles for which fitness is of the essence. Majority of sports fall in this category. Non-physical sports include board games like chess, draft, scrabble among others; these are mostly played in the mind but nevertheless are still sports. All over the world, sporting activities have provided great entertainment for audiences. The 2006 FIFA football world cup in Germany alone had a cumulative television audience of 26.29 billion in-home and 2.1 billion out –of-home viewers ( Football is not in this category alone, sports like basketball, baseball and other mainstream sports have been known to have a lot of their tournaments declared sold out due to over subscription by fans intent on going to watch their favorite players thrash their opponents. The entertainment provided by these sporting activities ensures people spend their free time progressively instead of wasting it on activities that will in the end not add any value to their lives. Sports among the youth is a key factor that has been noted to promote prosocial characteristic traits among individuals. According to Bar-Tal, (1976) and Bierhoff, (2002), prosocial are positive forms of social behavior that are not motivated by personal obligations, rather they are voluntary and they have positive results. These include; cooperation, sharing, respect, altruism and many others (Larrieu Mussen, 1986). Sports among the youth is therefore a very important tool through which individuals, especially the antisocial ones can hone their social skills through interaction with their team mates as well as the opposing players. Through this interaction, ones communication skills are also enhanced and developed and these are acquisitions that will benefit the individual later on in life. Obesity has reached worrying proportions and this is a particular concern to health experts especially since this is caused by an increased rate of inactivity among the youth (National Institute of Health, n.d.; World Health Organization, 2000). According to Storm Jenkins, (2002), the childhood obesity rates which currently stand at approximately 15% are an increase of over 40% through the past 40 years. Childhood obesity is not only a cause of health problems at the present in the form of Type II diabetes but due to its relation to adult obesity, these individuals are likely to become struggling adults with obesity if they do not change their sedentary lifestyles. By engaging in sports activities especially for the purposes of having fun, these children will not only enjoy themselves but they will also have the added advantage of working their way to a better lifestyle that will improve their health. Youths who engage in sporting activities are encouraged to learn good sportsmanship qualities and by learning these they also get to familiarize with the five Cs of positive youth development. These five Cs are; competence, confidence, connection, compassion caring, and character. These are important life tools and skills that any growing and developing youth need in order to be able to relate with his juniors, peers as well as seniors well. They enable the individual to grow into a respectable adult capable of making wise decisions that will positively influence not only himself but also those around him. Through sports, one acquires the confidence to tackle the obstacles that life throws at him having become accustomed to challenges from various types of opponents. Sports among the youth are a good way of passing free time. According to health organizations, there is a growing trend of moral decadence among the youth which is leading to very promising lives being wasted due to drugs. Most of these drug activities are carried out due to individuals having a lot of idle time in which they do not participate in any physical activities, as a result, they resort to destructive drug habits. Case studies have shown that most of the youth who engage in sporting activities have a much lower likelihood to engage in drug activities as it interferes with their performance on the fields and at the same time, especially for those interested in pursuing sports as careers, it us likely to cut short their dreams. Sports therefore acts as a deterrent from drugs. Careers have been developed through sports. In the early 90s, one of the most popular individuals all over the world was Michael Jordan, and it was not because of his ever shining bald head. Jordan possessed dribbling skills that mad non-sports enthusiasts feel like they should get off their couches and go â€Å"shoot some hoops†. Basketball was Michael Jordans career, and he enjoyed it because later in an interview, he calmly stated that he was having fun since he was getting paid to do his hobby. Currently there are millions of athletes who have turned into millionaires simply by engaging in activities that they once considered hobbies. They are earning even more than some of the employees on Wall Street. Sports can therefore end up providing the youth with a way of fending for themselves in this world where white collar jobs have become scarce and the manual jobs are being constantly replaced by technology. Careers can therefore be created through sports. Sports does not only create employment opportunities for the participants, off the field, there are team managers, tacticians, fitness experts, dietary advisors and a whole lot of other experts who benefit from the youths involvement in sports. Jobs are created for grounds men who have to ensure football pitches have been watered to the required standards, the referees, umpires and other officials whose duty it is to ensure that the rules and regulations governing the various games are followed, and to ensure that order is maintained. Psychologists are also at hand to provide in depth analysis of the reasons why various actions are taken by various individuals. Medical practitioners make killings by bringing in products, albeit illegal, that can help athletes to improve their performances in their various sports. These are just a few of the beneficiaries of youth engaging in sports, but it is therefore true to say youth and sports are employers to very many individuals all over the w orld. Some individuals, especially the introverts have problems associating with people, they would rather stay within their shells and remain alone. When these people engage in sports, they may end up being so excellent in them and that would provide them with a sort of an identity which they can be proud of. These individuals will have a common ground with which they can socialize and that helps them open up to the rest. It is not unusual to find people for whom when they have problems, they run, not to their families first, but to their teammates. They get a sense of belonging there and that makes sports a big player in fostering relations and creating environments in which people can socialize. This is also true for people who may not have anything in common, except love for a particular team or sports and they form friendship since they meet at the venue of the game on regular basis. Many life long friendships have been formed in football stands. Having the youth participate in sports provides them with the necessary experiences that they can apply to great benefit later in life. In sports, one comes face to face with the realities of life that includes success and victory, shame, failure and defeat. Disappointments are common and these are important things that one has to get used to. Life is not a one way street to success and these experiences provide one with the foundation on which to base future decisions. One learns important lessons like how to react to failure and how to survive without giving up in the face of adversity, how to celebrate victories without making opponents feel like they are worthless, how to hang on and give your best to your team even though they may not be having a great day, and how to console teammates after losing an emotional game. These and others make people bond together into a tight knit unit that appreciates every individuals strengths and weaknesses. Sports makes people to appreciate the fact that not all humans are perfect and people make errors, the important thing is how to put those errors in the pat and move on without getting scarred for life, and those are lessons learnt from sports. Sports therefore touch the lives of people, spectators and players alike and create bonds among them that are impenetrable even in difficult times. It is common to see players cry when a teammate gets injured or is no longer going to continue playing with them, the outside world may know the players strengths on the field, but it is the teammates who train daily with him who know his contribution both on and off the field. Playing in sports involves taking risks and being able to live with the consequences. One will have to make certain decisions without knowing how the opponent will react, but he shall go forward nevertheless with the decision and hope the opponent swallows his bait. This makes individuals better prepared for the situations that they will be involved in later on in life that may require them to make decisions without being aware of the consequences. Athletes are also usually under the advice of their coaches and managers who have a say in the decisions they make. Sports therefore makes individuals obey authority and this moulds them into responsible adults who have fear and respect to authority. This makes the society a better place to live in as people are surrounded by individuals who are not self serving, but care how the outcome of their actions will impact on the society around them. When engaging in sports that are physical in nature, an individual has to be in shape and physical fitness will be a quality that will determine winners and losers. The fitness expectations will make an individual to live a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy foods, doing physical activities that will better make them able to compete well. Sport s therefore encourages healthy lifestyles among the youth and leads to the development of a better society of healthy people. Games also need individuals to analyze their opponents and develop tactics with which to beat them having discovered their weaknesses. At the same time one will know how to use their strength to their advantage and how to use it to cover their weaknesses. Therefore individuals will learn how to strategize and overpower opponents, skills that are necessary for survival not only in the competition but in the world as well. Sports is a great way of bringing people together and spreading the messages of goodwill. The world is currently faced with a situation where no single race is social or dominant in a given sport, many other individuals are coming up to challenge the status quo and this may not go right with certain individuals who are of the opinion that their races are superior. Therefore sports is increasingly being used as a way of encouraging people to live and associate together in harmony and to shun evils such as racism. Sports is also being used to pass messages of peace among humans. These make it important among the youth as it makes them understand the issues that are unfolding before them in a language they can relate to. Among the youth, sports is also being used as a tool for reaching out to the less fortunate. It is very common to hear of tournaments organized to raise funds towards certain causes like helping victims of hurricane disasters, tsunamis among others. Sports therefore acts as a way in which the youth can use what they have in the form of their talents to give back to the society that has helped mould them into who they are. Very many children are growing up and are in need of role models to give them something to look forward to. Outstanding sports personalities are usually great role models for such children in that from most of them come stories of winning a struggle. Most successful athletes either came from very humble backgrounds or had to struggle in the face of adversity in order to make it to where they are. There are also others who may not have had it so rough in the beginning, but still had to go through experiences in their lives which would have made them give up their dreams. Instead they took the bull by the horn and confronted their fears and are today great in whatever they do, providing an inspiration to the billions in need of it in the world. Sports thus provide the role models to give the motivation for others to pursue their dreams and ambitions. References Bierhoff, H.W. (2002). Prosocial behavior. New York: Taylor Francis. Bar-Tal, D. (1976). Prosociabehavior: Theory and research. Washington, D.C.: Hemsphere. Larrieu, J., Mussen, P. (1986). Some personality and motivational correlates of childrens prosocial behavior. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 147(4), 529-542. World Health Organization. (2000). Obesity: Preventing and managing the global epidemic. Geneva: Author. About Fifa; TV Data. Retrieved on 10th October 2009 From Storm, H., Jenkins, M. (2002). Go girl: Raising healthy, confident, and successful girls through sports. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks. Mary Sara Wells, Skye G. Arthur-Banning, Karen P. Paisley, Gary D. Ellis, Mark F. Roark and Sara Fisher Journal of Park and Recreation Administration Spring 2008 Volume 26, Number 1 pp. 1-21; Good (Youth) Sports: Using Benefits-Based Programming to Increase Sportsmanship Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (1996). Physical activity and health: A report of the surgeon general. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Perkins, D. F., Jacobs, J. E., Barber, B. L., Eccles, J. S. (2004). Childhood and adolescent sports participation as predictors of participation in sports and physical fitness activities during young adulthood. Youth and Society, 35(4), 495–520. Escobedo, Stryer, B. K., Tofler, I. R., Lapchick, R. (1998). A developmental overview of child and youth sports in society. Sports Psychiatry, 7, 697–711. Smith, R.E., SmoU, F.L. (1996). Way to go, Coach!: A scientifically validated approach to, coaching effectimness. Portola Valley, CA: Warde Publishers. Smoll, F.L., : Smith, R.E. (1989). Leadership behaviors in sport: A conceptual model and Research paradigm. Journal of Applied Sodal Psychology, 19, 1522-1551. SmoU, F.L., Smith, R.E. (Eds.). (1996). Children and youth in sport: A biopsychosocini perspective. Dubuque, lA: McGraw-Hill
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Elijah McCoy :: essays research papers
Elijah McCoy was born in Colchester, Ontario Canada on May 2, 1844, the son of former slaves who had fled from Kentucky before the U.S. Civil War. Educated in Scotland as a mechanical engineer, Elijah McCoy returned to the United States and settled in Detroit, Michigan. He began experimenting with a cup that would regulate the flow of oil onto moving parts of industrial machines. His first invention was a lubricator for steam engines, U.S. 129,843, which issued on July 12, 1872. The invention allowed machines to remain in motion to be oiled; his new oiling device revolutionized the industrial machine industry. Elijah McCoy established his own firm and was responsible for a total of 57 patents, the term â€Å"real McCoy†refers to the oiling device used for industrial machinery. His contribution to the lubricating device became so popular that people inspecting new equipment would ask if the device contained the real McCoy, This helped popularize the American expression, meaning the real thing. His other inventions included an ironing board and lawn sprinkler. Elijah McCoy died on October 10, 1929 after a year in the Eloise Infirmary, Eloise, Michigan, suffering from senile dementia caused by hypertension. He was buried in Detroit, Michigan. Elijah McCoy was born in Colchester, Ontario Canada on May 2, 1844, the son of former slaves who had fled from Kentucky before the U.S. Civil War. Educated in Scotland as a mechanical engineer, Elijah McCoy returned to the United States and settled in Detroit, Michigan. He began experimenting with a cup that would regulate the flow of oil onto moving parts of industrial machines. His first invention was a lubricator for steam engines, U.S. 129,843, which issued on July 12, 1872. The invention allowed machines to remain in motion to be oiled; his new oiling device revolutionized the industrial machine industry. Elijah McCoy established his own firm and was responsible for a total of 57 patents, the term â€Å"real McCoy†refers to the oiling device used for industrial machinery.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Georges Seurat - Hi Painting Essay -- essays research papers
Georges Seurat used the pointillism approach and the use of color to make his painting, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, be as lifelike as possible. Seurat worked two years on this painting, preparing it woth at least twenty drawings and forty color sketched. In these preliminary drawings he analyzed, in detail every color relationship and every aspect of pictorial space. La Grande Jatte was like an experiment that involved perspective depth, the broad landscape planes of color and light, and the way shadows were used. Everything tends to come back to the surface of the picture, to emphasize and reiterate the two dimensional plane of which it was painted on. Also important worth mentioning is the way Seurat used and created the figures in the painting. Â Â Â Â Â The famous painting A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte was painted between 1885-1886. The subject is an island newly adopted by the Parisian middle class as a place for quiet Sunday gatherings. The painting looks very realistic. The figures and the way they are dressed look lifelike as does the beautiful landscape in the background. The colors and the painting style, pointillism, make this painting very realistic. The question is, how does Seurat go about making the painting look so lifelike? Â Â Â Â Â Pointillism was a major reason in why Seurats painting looks so lifelike. During the painting of La Grande Jatte, Seurat simplified his brushwork to such an extent that his painting seems to be composed of nothing but tiny, more or less circular dots. Seurat’s experiments with color led him to paint in small dots of color which are arranged in such combinations that they seem to vibrate. Individual colors tend to interact with those around them and fuse in the eye of the viewer. This approach is not unlike the dots or pixels in a computer image. If you magnify any computer image sufficently, you will see individual colors that, when set together, produce an image. Seurat was interested in the way colors came about. With the enhancement of the luminousity of colors made possible by the investigation of scientific optics, he saw positive merit in a method in which the movement of the brush no longer demanded the slightest skill: ‘Here the hand is, in eff ect, useless, deceit impossible; no room for bravura i... ... study for the overall concept they appear rather as abstract patterns. The shadows of the figures were very carefully modeled. The light- dark contrasts of the shadows make them seem actually real. The spatial quality is only established through the relations between the sizes of the objects. The painting is not based on a geometrical, box like space. The perspective centre is on the right, despite the fact that the composition is laid in rows parallel to the picture frame. At the same time a paradoxical foreshortening from right to left is evident. The girl fishing with the orange dress and her mother are on the same level, that is, actually at equal distance. In its spatial contruction, the painting is also a successful construction, the groups of people sitting in the shade, and who should really be seen from above, are all shown directly from the side. The ideal eye level would actually be on different horizontal lines; first at head height of the standing figures, then of t hose seated. Seurats methods of combing observations which he collected over two years, corresponds, in its self invented techniques, to a modern lifelike painting rather than an academic history painting.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Essay About Me, Planning and Career Essay
Born and name Nur Shahiera Binti Nor Adnan , I am the only daughter of Nor Adnan bin Mohd Nor and Azar binti Kamaluddin. I was born on 2nd May 1995 in Pahang. I am the eldest sister and also the only girl among six siblings. I stayed with family in Kuantan, is the state capital of Pahang. My father a business man and my mother a clerk in the department of works at Kuantan. I am from a humble. I was receiving early education at Tabika Kemas Kampung Cherok Paloh when at the age of 3 years up to 5 years old. After that, my parents transferred at Pra Sekolah Kebangsaan Cherok Paloh which does away with my home. I started my primary education at Sekolah Kebangsaan Cherok Paloh, is the school is located far from the city from 7 years old until 12 years old. During the year 2007, I took the UPSR examination and I passed with flying colours to score 3A 2B’s. I furthered my lower secondary education at SMK Sungai Soi, Kuantan and in the year 2008. This school made me independent and adaptable when I was given the responsibilities to become school prefect. When I was form one, I’ve been listed as one of the best student after I got 8A’s in first exam. The excellent results did not last to form 3 when my PMR results is so bad and I’ve 1A 6B with 1C. When I was in Form 4 and I was so active in co-curricular activities. I have represented the school in netball competition up to the district town. Besides, I also represent the school in competitions Quran recitation ceremony and won third place. I was also able to beat the students of Al Ihsan School of Religion. I’m so excited and happy with some successful. when I was being increased 5 I moved to SMK Ubai because the instruction out due to the results of the examination at the end of Form 4 so badly. I took my SPM examination in the year 2012 and as the result, I got 2A1B3C2E1G. I tried to mantain in some subjects but I failed. I failed checkers additional mathematics and simply pass in chemistry and physics. I highly regret this decision and make my parents disappointed. I as eldest daughter should show good results for my brothers. After school I was asked to participate in the group’s first Pusat Latihan Khidmat Negara at Kem Cahaya Gemilang Cherating, Kuantan. in PLKN I can learn to be a responsible citizen of the country. There also I was able to learn and recognize yourself in more detail. Besides that I also get to know the attitudes of students can excel in further education and to train yourself to be able to work in management. I received offers from many colleges, but I’m only interested in a field which is at Poly-Tech Mara College of accounts field but my parents do not agree in their field so I suggest that in the field of human resource management. I finally received and have been filling out forms. I love my subjects of Geography Form 1 yet, so I’m trying to find a fi eld that is quite similar to the subjects. I’m interested to know the human population and the environment. So I chose Human Resource Management at Kolej Poly-Tech Mara in Kuantan. The Diploma in Human Capital Management focuses on core competencies, which integrates organization development and human resource content with an emphasis on strategic human capital and development. The programme offers combination of theory and practice which enables students to evaluate the ideas and relate them to the activities that take place in organizations. The programme also will equip students with the necessary skills to enter the market in the area of commerce, banking and manufacturing. I hope I can be a minister of human resources later like Dato Dr. S. Subramaniam. I plan to develop a workforce that is productive, informative, disciplined, caring and responsive to changing labor environment towards enhancing economic growth and increasing employment opportunities. in addition to developing a skilled workforce, knowledgeable and competitive in a harmonious industrial relations environment and social justice. Based on my recommendation, I must study more diligently in this area so that I can achieve my ambitions as an officer of the ministry of human resources. Managing international relations in the field of labor administration, technical cooperation in matters of labor and human resource development is one of the tasks and responsibilities of the ministry of human resources. I hope none of this corruption in the management. I wish and set a high hope that one day I will be able to be a minister of human resources. This is all about me, my education and career planning if I took human resource management as my primary choice to further my study. Despite of deep interest in this field, human resource management also serve a lot of golden opportunity in Malaysia, especially in the future. This job is not only about making money, but also mainly about how to improve my race level in this modernity lives. As this field is less monopolized by the Malay bumiputras, I think I’ve had the responsibility to help my own people. I will surely do anything to achieve my goals. Moreover, dentistry will be one of rewarding career and surely people will start to look for a chance to get to know more about it.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Pricing strategy Essay
Home depot is a store dealing with home appliances and other household consumables. I will look at the pricing strategy of refrigerators. Most prices of different brands of refrigerators are set to match the prices of their competitors. This is because mostly the competitors are operating in the same environment. it is essential to offer better quality brands with the same price as competitors. However when setting the price, the objective is to ensure profitability of the firm is taken care by the price set. The profit firm must incorporate capital requirements and the associated gains that cover the expenses of the organization. Always the profit considered in price setting is equals to price less cost of sales. While capital gains is equivalent the current assets and fixed assets running costs.            In choosing the target, market for refrigerator is made during the construction of sores. However the in which they are operating attracts the customers. Take an example of the New York most people have excess disposable income to spend and there are utilities that support the refrigerator in almost all homes. The company has reported that they have high expectation in the stead rise through to 2025 for product. Another important factor in the increase of consumers are the aging population with large pensions and young business executives with more excessive funds. In fact, this two groups forms an important consumer segment of home depot refrigerators. The customer has carried the consumer assessment they have adapted market oriented determination and differential.  References            Schaik J.L., (2002); The Task of Marketing Management; J.L. van Schaik (Pity) ltd
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction
Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning Summary Although the collective knowledge in the field of Pedagogy on how readers, â€Å"actually carry out this interpretive process with college-level expository text is rather limited†(Haas and Flower 167). The study in discussion would like to help the understanding of this constructive, rhetorical view of reading.Throughout the article, Haas and Flower emphasize how students â€Å"are good readers in the traditional sense†¦ yet, they paraphrase rather than analyze, summarize rather than criticize texts†(170). This brings up two key points that Haas and Flower discuss in a relation to rhetorical reading strategies, in student reader-writers. According to the research Haas and Flower conducted, only about one percent of students use the rhetorical reading strategy, which means that most students don’t criticize and analyze text that they read.Most students mainly use the Content and Feature/F unctional reading strategy, rather than deconstructing the text, they just say the basic things, and summarize which brings up the question, how does the constructive process play itself out in the actual thinking process of reading? Haas and Flower purpose that readers â€Å"construct meaning by building multifaceted, interwoven, representation of knowledge†(168).The main focus Haas and Flower have throughout the article is the fact that students are staying at the â€Å"mediocre†level while reading, instead of breaking down the text and actually analyzing what the author(s) were trying to say. Haas and Flower want students to get use to using the rhetorical strategy, since it will help students better understand the text they read especially as they continue on with higher education Works Cited Haas, Christina and Flower, Linda. â€Å"College Composition and Communication†Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning. 1988
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Management styles. The Jefferson Clinton Hotel Assignment
Management styles. The Jefferson Clinton Hotel - Assignment Example Management styles that have been used Democratic style This is one of the most suitable managerial styles used in any organization. Using this style, the manager does not make decisions on his own. Before any decisions are made, the manager must consult with the employees of the organization. This means that everyone is included in the decision making process. By including the employees in the decisions making process, they become motivated to work in the organization because they were involved which means they are working under the same rules that they helped to create. This management style is particularly ideal in very complex organizational settings like the Jefferson Clinton Hotel. The hotel has employed many workers and this style is the best style that can be used to manage all of them. Persuasive style This type of management style borrows a few skills from the autocratic management style. However, the persuasive manager remains in control over the decision making process. But this manager will spend time with his employees and try to convince them of the benefits of the decision that would be made. The employees do not have a say in the decision making process. However, the employees of the hotel feel like they are motivated because they now see the benefits of the decisions even if they were not involved in the decision making process. This management style is used in the event that decisions require to be made urgently and there is no time to go through the normal decision making process that is normally there within the hotel that involves the employees as well. 3. Consultative style This management style is more of a dictatorial management style, whereby the employees have no say in what happens. However, the decisions are made in the best interests of the employees. This mean s that the needs of the employees are brought forward first. Using this management style, communication between the employees and the management is mainly in a downwards direction. This means that the employees do not communicate with the employees. However, feedback is very much encouraged as it helps in boosting the morale of the employees. The manager therefore consults the employees when making a decision but the employees are not involved in the decision making process. The hotel has adopted these management styles due to the fact that there are some instances where decisions need to be made quickly and urgently. There is therefore no adequate time to go through the normal decision making process where the employees are involved in the process. The type of management style that an organization chooses to use is very important as it can help to develop the organization even further or pull it behind (Greenhaus, Callanan&Godshalk, 2009, p. 178). Leadership characteristics The man ager of an organization is also the leader of the employees in that organization. This therefore means that the leader should be able to lead the employees very well. The employees look up to the employees for guidance and
Monday, October 7, 2019
Marketing project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Marketing project - Assignment Example Finally, customers can also be attended to on voice over internet protocol technologies like Skype and through telephones. Blackberry plans to get financing from an external third party amount to $10,000.00. This amount will be for commencing work on the development of the product that will entail promoting sales, partly on relations about the public selling, sales promotion and advertising. The starting capital was raised by the co-owners of the company Ronald Greens and Black Givens, in the amounts of $ 25,000.00And $1 0, 000.00 respectively. The blackberry will exist as a limited liability company. The liabilities and shares of the owners will be done according to the values of their individual contribution. The finance acquired through this business will allow Blackberry to open successfully and operate as a computer company. A cozy surroundings will be made available for customers with a casual atmosphere. Operations in year one will generate Blackberry a consistent customer pla tform that will allow it to be self-sufficient in the following year. Most importantly Blackberry will invest in the latest technology so as to diversify how its customers acquire its products including deployment in the cloud. A focus also will be directed especially to the students. A study conducted by Blackberry revealed that 85% of students had difficulties in monitoring their daily schedules. Consequently, this creates a need that Blackberry comes in to fill. The region already has many students with Chabot community colleges offering quite an enormous number. Blackberry is facing the opportunity of being the latest entrant in this field and providing serves the needs of various mobile platforms. The consistent popularity of entertainment services, unique, upscale, innovative and friendly mobile applications has been proven a winning concept to produce the same results for Blackberry. The primary and core product that
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Estate Planning (Australia) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Estate Planning (Australia) - Case Study Example Margaret deemed acquisition date and cost base is the original date and cost that applied to the assets. Any capital gain tax liability on the principle residence is subjected to 50% individual CGT discount. All the contents of the principle residence are inherited by Margaret. Since the assets were under joint tenancy, therefore the principle of survivorship applies. Margaret deemed acquisition date and cost base will be the original date and cost that applied to the assets. The contents are treated as personal use; since they are valued above $10,000 therefore they are not exempted from CGT and any capital losses are ignored. Since the investment property is held as tenant in common the principle of survivorship does not apply. In case of Gary’s death the property is inherited by Margaret as there is no will therefore his spouse that is Margaret becomes the sole beneficiary. CGT rules apply where all capital gains and losses are taxed. The property was acquired post-CGT therefore its acquisition date and cost base are same as the original. In the case of subsequent disposal by his wife, the capital gain will be deemed as the day contracts were exchanged. The bank account was held as a joint tenancy, this makes Margaret the sole beneficiary as she inherits the account and the money. She takes full control of the account and she can continue transacting through it unless she decides to close it. Since all assets under joint tenancy are assumed be tenancy in common, therefore CGT rules apply. Since the shares are held as joint tenancy between Gary and his wife, his death entitles transfer of the shares to his wife because there is no will. For the shares that were acquired before 19 September 1989 (pre-CGT), they are deemed acquired for the market value of the shares on the date of death. For the shares acquired after 19
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Sponsorship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sponsorship - Essay Example The sponsor keenly looks at the opportunity to develop their organization commercially through brand awareness that is done through advertising. Sponsorship can take different approaches; they include, firstly there is the branding the kits used by the players with the sponsor’s brand. Secondly, there are banners that are found on the ground as well as in the arenas which bears more information about the sponsor. Thirdly, through the media affiliated to the sport such as the website, the company is able to advertise their products. Fourthly, the players/sportspeople/coaches can be used to endorse the product of the sponsor. For the team, they can be provide with free kits, transport, facilities as well as provision of funds and other services (BBC, 2014). Sponsorship comes with a variety of pros and cons. Sponsorship is healthy for both the sponsor and the individual/club being sponsored; some players would not be able to raise the costs of participating in their respective sporting activities if they lacked support. On the other hand, the sponsor uses the sponsorship agreement as an opportunity to benefit themselves commercially especially through advertisements. Public awareness of a given product is easily achieved through the advertisements in sports stadiums, players’ uniforms, club’s website among others (BBC, 2014). Sponsorship is founded on the grounds that, in exchange of the resources or services given to the club or individual the sponsor will have either of the following benefits. Firstly, the image of the sponsor should be improved courtesy of the sponsorship. The company gets a good image since it is perceived to exhibit the corporate social responsibility. Secondly, the company gains a competitive advantage over is competitors due to its public reputation. Thirdly, the consumer attitude can be changed through the perception
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