Thursday, October 17, 2019

Discuss and assess the potential for multiplied penalties for Assignment

Discuss and assess the potential for multiplied penalties for egregious violations. Your response should be approximately 200-300 words and include a reference citation for your sources - Assignment Example Some companies are crying foul because according to them it was practically issuing multiple citations and penalties for the same violation (MacArthur, 1995). Furthermore, since the OSHA provision is for prevention of the same hazards from occurring again, it is improper to multiply the penalties by the number of employees harmed by a violation. There is no need to multiply the penalty because the same hazard can be remedied with the â€Å"identical abatement method† (MacArthur, 1995). If OSHA is allowed to execute these multiplied penalties, they might go overboard and start issuing penalties on a per day or per hour basis on every violation made. This is definitely unreasonable and unacceptable to employers. OSHA should view the matter in the proper perspective focusing on the fact that if the hazard can be corrected just once, then there is no need for multiplied penalties. However, if different hazards represent different violations, then the penalties should be multiplied because it cannot be corrected by a single action. MacArthur, M. (1995, December 1). Commision clarifies OSHAs "egregious violations" policy. Retrieved June 27, 2012, from Stanley, J. (2010, September). OSHA issuing more egregious violations, but they may not hold up. Retrieved June 27, 2012, from

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