Saturday, October 5, 2019

Sponsorship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sponsorship - Essay Example The sponsor keenly looks at the opportunity to develop their organization commercially through brand awareness that is done through advertising. Sponsorship can take different approaches; they include, firstly there is the branding the kits used by the players with the sponsor’s brand. Secondly, there are banners that are found on the ground as well as in the arenas which bears more information about the sponsor. Thirdly, through the media affiliated to the sport such as the website, the company is able to advertise their products. Fourthly, the players/sportspeople/coaches can be used to endorse the product of the sponsor. For the team, they can be provide with free kits, transport, facilities as well as provision of funds and other services (BBC, 2014). Sponsorship comes with a variety of pros and cons. Sponsorship is healthy for both the sponsor and the individual/club being sponsored; some players would not be able to raise the costs of participating in their respective sporting activities if they lacked support. On the other hand, the sponsor uses the sponsorship agreement as an opportunity to benefit themselves commercially especially through advertisements. Public awareness of a given product is easily achieved through the advertisements in sports stadiums, players’ uniforms, club’s website among others (BBC, 2014). Sponsorship is founded on the grounds that, in exchange of the resources or services given to the club or individual the sponsor will have either of the following benefits. Firstly, the image of the sponsor should be improved courtesy of the sponsorship. The company gets a good image since it is perceived to exhibit the corporate social responsibility. Secondly, the company gains a competitive advantage over is competitors due to its public reputation. Thirdly, the consumer attitude can be changed through the perception

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